Welp I think I said some pages ago that my favourite book is Eragon, not my favourite but the one I enjoyed the most, dik if I trully have a favourite one :v

Well my fvourite quote, have tou read my leg text? ``Go Big or Go Home´´ I also like ``No Pain, No Gain´´ idk I dont like giving up easily, you could say I have a strong wil

K I dont have a favourite song but a list of them I dont wanna spam this with music so I will leave a few on this spoiler

Guess what? I am the spoiler

my internet is being a bitch with me so yeah cant add more, not lagging like this

you dont need to know what he did, not too serious

ayy one shitpost from 800 posts
Last edited by Onsola; Mar 1, 2016 at 09:20 PM.
hah lol,i like some classy ones too,like from beethoven,Greig(in the hall of the mountain king,my favorite classy) and some others,actually i listen to some classic rock'n roll as beatles,deep purple(smoooooke on the waaaaater :') ) steppenwolf(only born to be wild tbh) and gun n' roses(not much but i listen).
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Favorite song? I don't listen to music, I don't have a life

Quote? Uhmmm "Pure Banana" RayWill135 ~2015-2016~ (When it was made)
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lol dat quote tho, much better than the rest.

dont you listen to music? idk maybe a soundtrack from a serie, trailer or movie you liked, not a single thing? D:

Idk Pirates of the Caribean, Star Wars, Gladiator, Pacific Rim, those movies have some good soundtracks. Do you guys like a soundtrak from a particular movie?
I remember Ray listening to really corny music back then, Idk about his tastes now tho.

Also dat qu0te, brueh, that's an old reused one, ain't it?

Hi diuway, fuck you

Favorite things:

Artist: i don't really have a favorite artist but i wouldnt mind ed sheeran :L
Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Book: Um, there's this recent book i read called "Wifey" lol it's an R-16 book i guess, which talks about allergic reactions from sex and a nude guy masturbating at the front lawn at 7 am etc
Game: League as for now, but shadow of collosus was just amazing. There's this oldy skyrim game where you can have your own army and raid some kingdoms etc which me and my brother currently play a lot. It's made on 2007
That's all i have for now. Favorite song is Litium by Nirvana

Thanks for all the goodlucks, the 3 tests went well with cheating
Tomorrow we were supposed to have 3 tests but on our CLE exams we all are exempted.
Also we have to take this quiz on friday where we have a specialization, since i go to a technical school, and we choose our first choices, second and third choices from Computer, Electronics and MEchanics. i choose it in that order. And then we take the test, and our teacher decides where we stay. gl me
Last edited by Lust; Mar 2, 2016 at 06:30 AM.
Quote : Carpe diem/(I will put in polish cuz it can't be translated,) Jak sobie pościelisz, tak się wyśpisz
Book : ,,Pilgrimage'' by Paulo Coelho and I also like Verne's books.
Movie : dunno
Song :

Tick tock, here comes the cock


"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
ayy good to see you cheatedstudied for your tests

I didnt understan what they said in half of the song you put there gru :P 60 secs assassins is 2 fast okno ayy u put stole the show.

also no more ppl will try the replay thing? well I guess the next event will be something diferent then :/
lwell,toribash is completing 10 years today,anyone host an bet/tourney server.

i dont really read books,but i watched jurassic park 1,2 and 3(im fan of it)
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Ayy true, well someone might do something about it, after all you dont always get 10 years on a game.

I have seen jurassic park movies, they aer good, have you seen the last one? Jurassic world, I didnt, a friend says it's good but he doesnt have the best taste in movies you see