Yeah mau was a rk_mma clan before I came, Zed was Godlike at abd and so quis but the rest, meh, also some mat go solo warring and lose a lot :v

Idk keep the posts, they are there already, and yeah my bad bout that u.u
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
i can give the test,but only later,actually im without pc.
great trolling,smaux,but didnt got me.

lol sorry i said it in-game.
it was a private joke..
and i forgot to say the history of it. :I
Onsola k then i wont delete the posts.
Obzut has been kicked for the following reason: 2 shitposts in a row while being trial, this was the climax

Well any news guys? Try not to pay much attention to what I say I am a bit salty and my internet connection doesn`t help at all
i just got back from a ski trip (i snowboard) with my family and my dads friends family. why my dad thought it would be a good idea to bring them i don't know because they bitched the entire time, blamed everything that went bad on us, and now i figured out that in august they're going to costa rica with us
also my grand parents are over which is nice
event thing
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lol,i dont practice much sports here(no snow ;-;),but i run sometime on road,or my bike will go on.
well its fun in certain places.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
well damn bquad that was quite nice! this will be a thight fight right here, also I see I didnt get many replies on the event, well still there are a few days for the rest to do something. (some more dms wont be bad tho)

Vic I feel u burh ;-; no snow for me here either, in 2009 it snowed for the first time in 200 years where I live, yeah not much snow over here. Tho when I went to the mountains, Mendoza, I saw some the day I arrived, then it melt down ;-;
well where i live it gets cold in the winter but it doesn't ever snow. it barely ever rains and its the rainy season .-. i just went up north a little to mammoth, california. luckily we flew, we couldn't crowd 6 people into a car for 5 and a half hours. i might post a new submission tomorrow, I'm kinda tired.
holy fuck guys stop shitposting.
yeah this is only happening because i'm being lenient with you all

oh btw, onsola, domdod made us lose the first war against shout, lel
oh and the second war too lol

oh btw, ham, you were infracted for a shitpost (told you this guy shouldn't be in this clan) on tuesday (1st march). you now have 1 infraction point.

oh btw onsola apply for official, i'll help with the app

look at this faggot. he's trying to impersonate me.
Last edited by Oxide; Mar 1, 2016 at 11:43 AM.