i know korean

so basically she sees that man (who is actually a woman with cancer in disguise) who is having an affair with her husband.

the woman points past "him" to a small duck in a pond and "he" gets mad at the woman for almost punching "him" in the face while pointing. the woman shouts something indistinguishable in korean and the next day she bleeds and dies in a road.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
oh wait that's not korean it's russian.

no wonder it didn't make any sense
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Hello Verdict. I would like to say that you are great.

/inva-...wait, I'm a fetus.
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
Leader of [l]|ORMO Recruiter|BISH|[WTU]|[ETC]|Replays|[TGS]|
Originally Posted by Glow View Post
oh wait that's not korean it's russian.

no wonder it didn't make any sense

glow is officially our chief translator
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by Festus View Post
Hello Verdict. I would like to say that you are great.

/inva-...wait, I'm a fetus.

Yoyo sup brohickey
oh yeah
Originally Posted by sid View Post
glow is officially our chief translator

Originally Posted by bishopONE View Post
Yoyo sup brohickey

hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Useless thread, with useless facts.
Facts. code:

21:04 &Alan • URIC
21:04 &Alan • HOLD THE FUCK UP
21:04 &Alan • halt
21:04 &Uric • ALAN
21:04 &Alan • You are now breathing manually Uric.
21:05 &Uric • Alan
21:05 &Uric • I love you.
21:05 &Alan • Uric, you are now blinking manually.
21:05 &Alan • Your body is itching in at least one place Uric.
21:06 &Alan • You are reading this, in the voice of Morgan Freeman.
21:06 &Alan • The Final Countdown is playing in your head.
21:06 &Alan • SUFFER URIC
21:06 echo • [21:06:14] [21:06:14] <Alan> Your body is itching in at least one time Uric.
21:06 echo • lol itchy right foot
21:06 &Uric • FUUUUUUUU
21:07 &Alan › trollface.jpg

Isn't that meme just lovely?

Actually I was just giving myself a reason to merge a thread.
Last edited by Doclan; Sep 7, 2011 at 07:41 AM.