In case you guys haven't seen this "proof that elo hell doesn't exist":

Essentially play op patch heroes who are mostly team-independant for mmr boosting.
elo hell doesn't exist, das stoopid

also, I prefer league's shoutcasters to dota's, they're a lot more insightful.
I tried out tinker yesterday. AMAZING HERO

I love his ulti. With an early boots of travel you can destroy everything
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
In case you guys haven't seen this "proof that elo hell doesn't exist":

Essentially play op patch heroes who are mostly team-independant for mmr boosting.

I think that guy probably had a bit of luck. Most times when I've played played or specced pubs there's that one guy who goes 0-40-0, there's supports who rush ags (and never get it), half the team doesn't speak english, there's all kind of people who feed like fuck and you get stomped by a stack.

Escaping low elo as a solo mid may be easy, but if you play 5 how can it be possible? I can deward every ward in the game, buy tps, dust, smoke, force 10+ kills in the laning phase, stack and pull, save the carry and mid from ganks, block the enemy jungle, gank the jungler, snipe the courier, but in the end I can't win the game no matter what I do. Even in the rare case when I mid with a non-semi-carry I can get tons of kills and assists without deaths (something like 10-0-10 during laning), win the lane with 60-30, but no matter what, bat rider isn't going to win the game.

Getting pushed outside of your pubs mmr is possible if you play with a stack, for sure.

My win rate with farmers and solo mids is generally >70%, but in pubs there is almost always 2+ players who want mid and <0 players who want to be support. I should just roll luna/drow/np/dp/bs all tell people to fuck off from mid, but I would feel like a huge asshole doing that. I guess that's why most people I know who play high mmr are egotistical assholes who just play mid ._.;
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I prefer league's shoutcasters to dota's, they're a lot more insightful.

its possible they are, they all sound like ESPN commentators and are given a crazy salary by Riot, same as pro LoL players.
as with everything about dota, shoutcasters are independant.
the dota shoutcasting houses like BTS and JD do so much casting that they glance over the insightfull stuff as its mostly just describing the current meta, which they do so often they try not to overly repeat stuff, happens when a casting house covers 10+ games a day.

Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Supporting and having a good solo mmr isn't a good combo. Trust me, I'm a support.

so am i, ive managed to keep mine around 3800 though, although i really only party play lately.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
but no matter what, bat rider isn't going to win the game.

batrider is an amazing space maker, but what use is making space when your carry is useless and supports dont react?
dota joy.
Last edited by BenDover; Apr 22, 2014 at 01:35 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
that's a very catchall comparison.

i would certainly feel that league casters like montecristo or pastrytime or jatt or whatever are fine, they're good and definitely better than lysander or zyori or even LD sometimes.

on the other hand some aren't insightful at all, quicksh0t is awful, deficio is unintelligible, rivington can't actually construct a grammatically correct sentence and just says things for the sake of saying them. there's also a more rigid PBP guy/color commentary dynamic in LCS, at some points i think it is beneficial and then other times you hear commentary pairings with no chemistry having to stop and start over because one guy misses a cue from the other to talk.

in Dota meanwhile BTS, 2GD and JD and most of the other independent casters all generally cast with the assumption you as a viewer already know the basics of Dota and can follow along. only thing i would really want dota casters to copy from league is that PBP/CC dynamic staying rigid. every time i hear a guy like ayesee or LD try and theorycraft or whatever and end up missing first blood because of it, i wish for my own swift painless death a little more.

i understand in solo casts that is unavoidable though
DotA games certainly do not have "bad" announcers, but I agree that LoL's are better. That is, of course, for the reason Ben stated, they get paid a ton.

One thing I find annoying is when they call something a great play when they did nothing. For example, during the DK vs EG game, EG tried to smoke gank Kunkka to get first blood, and Kunkka simple ran using his base movement speed. After this, the announcers were discussing what a "great play" that was by Mushi.
Originally Posted by IceWariorZ View Post
One thing I find annoying is when they call something a great play when they did nothing. For example, during the DK vs EG game, EG tried to smoke gank Kunkka to get first blood, and Kunkka simple ran using his base movement speed. After this, the announcers were discussing what a "great play" that was by Mushi.

DOTA commentators play favourites so fucking much. There's so much dick sucking I really hate it.

Mushi just walked in the other direction; "WOW what a great play by Mushi blah blah." Holy shit are you guys even serious right now? Man whenever dendi plays you get all this bullshit about why he's the best mid in the world blah blah. Like I give a fuck.

What's more frustrating is the /do/ show good things (like the players' win rates on whatever hero or whatever combo) but they don't bother talking about it.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 22, 2014 at 10:20 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Kips View Post
quicksh0t is awful

ah that sucks, he was one of the best South African CoD4 players in his day, when I heard he moved to Germany to cast for LoL, i was surprised.
tbh, i had no idea he was big enough to be mentioned by the international crowd.

Originally Posted by Kips View Post
every time i hear a guy like ayesee or LD try and theorycraft or whatever and end up missing first blood because of it, i wish for my own swift painless death a little more.

ayesee and zyori, golden voices and good casters, zyori knows his stuff, but he usually has a co-caster like merlini, who is overoppinionated, but knows his shit.
ayesee on the otherhand, started at TI2, with zero dota knowledge, doesnt have the dota experience of other casters, but great voice.
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