Yeah, that's pretty much like prom. Except it's normally at the school in the gym. Music and stuff, pretty girls and very nice boys, doing all the dancing and then bam. Everyone remembers it, good or bad
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Oh I see... Sounds fun :3
So what grade are u in?
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Originally Posted by MrGarry View Post
Oh I see... Sounds fun :3
So what grade are u in?

I am a Sophomore. In case you don't know what that is, I'm in the tenth grade.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
I am in 11th Grade (We got 12 in Aus btw) but I'm really supposed to be in year 10...
Most of year 10s are older than me lol
I'm the youngest y11 student in whole state :3
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
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Well, so it works this way:
If your b-day is before 1st of June, you can jump to next year. My one is on the 25th of May, so like less than a week before that.
I'm an immigrant as many of you know so when I finished an English school, I was meant to get into Grade 8 but the school said it was like really full and since my marks were very good they said I would be able to miss that year and get into Grade 9 straight away ;3

So that's the story
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Pretty cool, though it must kind of suck if there is school trips that require age limits. I.E. Pubs..etc
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
Pretty cool, though it must kind of suck if there is school trips that require age limits. I.E. Pubs..etc

School trips in pubs?!? That's pretty cool.
Pm me for deals
School trips in pubs?!? That's pretty cool. [2]

And btw, it's sort of retarded how they only accept people to unis who are over 18 and i will be 17 when i finish the school... So that might cause a bit of a problem in a way
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan