Age(optional): 19
Where do you live?(optional): Maine (USA)
What belt are you?: Yellow
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido
Favorite mods: Aikido
Why do you want to join?: getting no where randomly using joints. hoping to improve my skill level.
Originally Posted by son2 View Post
yea i am new in fourm blue chel dude let's get a room and play
i wanna join the schol y no one send request for me ?

mm lirs go to this website to see ur messages and memo plz send me invite to clan


Originally Posted by MeEpic View Post
Where do you live?(optional):Cairo,Egypt
What belt are you?:white belt
Where do you want to improve?:judo
Favorite mods:akido and twinsword
Why do you want to join?: I want to join beacuse i want to improve my skills in toribash

accepted confirm that your joining.

Originally Posted by MustHack42 View Post
memo3322 said i was accepted...and wait invitation
but,, i dont get the invitation.. can you send me that invitation??


Originally Posted by son2 View Post
memo are you herre ? if u r plz send me request to join ! i can't wait more hours

Ok sent next time pm me about this don't post here about it thx.

Originally Posted by Deadmau View Post
Where do you live?:Nairob,Kenya,Africa
What belt are you?:Orange
Where do you want to improve?:Aikido Judo And wushu
Favorite mods:Aikido
Why do you want to join?:Cause it will improve my ineraction ,aikido ,judo and wushu Skills plus this is a a great clan and most of the great toribashers come from here.

accepted, confirm that your joining.

Originally Posted by MasterGabe View Post
Age(optional): 13

Where do you live?(optional): Canada,Ontario

What belt are you?: black belt(i sold 10th dan account)

Where do you want to improve?: judo

Favorite mods: wushu and aikido

Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I think this place is the place i can improve my skill, and make new friends. I also want to join because I have met some of the [bleu] members in-game and there nice to me. I also want to join because I want to be in a clan and a good one like this. If I can, I want to help this clan to.

I've played toribash since April 4 2008(my brithday is April 1). Man thats like 2 years and a quater ive play toribash for, thats a long time.

My account I sold was named "bloodyguy", if u guys were wondering.

Declined, your a black belt.

Originally Posted by fukyu View Post
Where do you live?(optional): new York
What belt are you?: Blue(my main is black belt)
Where do you want to improve?: Taekkyon, judo
Favorite mods: Aikido

I would like to join because I need to improve in a few mods, and I think you guys need a real Aikido pro. I'm very sociable and I need some friends to hang out with.

Declined your a black belt.

Originally Posted by BlueOcean View Post
age : 11
where doyou live : new york
belt : blue (my main belt is brown)
to improve : wushu & judo
fav. mods : wushu
why doyo want to join : i nedd a clan i can bleu rank make a good please let me to join your clan thx


Originally Posted by MustHack42 View Post
hey bleu ocean is Microgynon

Thx for the info.

Originally Posted by erio View Post
Age(optional): 19
Where do you live?(optional): Maine (USA)
What belt are you?: Yellow
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido
Favorite mods: Aikido
Why do you want to join?: getting no where randomly using joints. hoping to improve my skill level.

Accepted, confirm that your joining.
Last edited by AgentP; Feb 15, 2011 at 11:08 AM.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Originally Posted by erio View Post
(how do i confirm? i do want to join)

You just did lol, anywho sending you an invite.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Eh....Kareem98 i'm not a female i'm a boy
sorry for being inactive internet is down a few week ago
please dont kick me

BLEU member -Wyverneon-
Where do you live?(optional): Indonesia
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: wushu and judo.
Favorite mods: wushu, judo,.
Why do you want to join?i want to be a part of bleu & helping my freind bloodvain & i will respect all the rules for the Bleu clan
Originally Posted by zevolution View Post
Where do you live?(optional): Indonesia
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: wushu and judo.
Favorite mods: wushu, judo,.
Why do you want to join?i want to be a part of bleu & helping my freind bloodvain & i will respect all the rules for the Bleu clan

Accepted, confirm that your joining.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
memo3322 ,, I dont get the Invitation yet.. but you said i was accepted
so can you send me that Invitation??
Thank you....