Play ARAM.

Wait 20 minutes because of dodgers.

Finally join a game.

Person leaves in the beginning of it cause they don't like Sivir.

Next 30 minutes spent playing a 4v5 as Renek against an Ashe, Taric, Lee Sin, Trist, and Nunu.

G Fucking G.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
If anyone would like to play with I, add OffMilk.

I like to play lee-sin or fizz personally. but I'm only new, so I'll see what happens.
Well, I just started LoL. I'm actually really pro with Ashe. I get between 10-30 kills with her every match now. If anyone wants to play with me, my name is xXVampiricXx.
I'm a nobody, and nobody's perfect. I am the definition of perfection.
Sion is an amazing hypercarry if you farm him well top.
Got an unofficial penta in ranked today.

Felt like a boss.
Outclassed shen top lane which allowed me to get free farm or a free kill if he tried to stop me.

New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
I fucking love it when you dominate early game like that, get about 2-3 levels higher and start farming gold hard. Makes the rest of the game soooo much fun haha.
I find that champions that benefit from charging an ability tend to be very strong if done properly.

daddy kill the spider
You forgot veigar.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
i love ashe

played with "Man Mode" Dan Dinh in a custom (this was 2 days ago) it was an all random proper game \o/ (no prizes) me and Dan were in the same team, he jungled twitch, i got amazing ashe arrow ults, he ends up with 24/4 cause he man moded twitch tower dive ALL THE THINGS.
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
You forgot veigar.

Indeed I did.
And he is probably the best mid in the game.

Originally Posted by Przero View Post
i love ashe

played with "Man Mode" Dan Dinh in a custom (this was 2 days ago) it was an all random proper game \o/ (no prizes) me and Dan were in the same team, he jungled twitch, i got amazing ashe arrow ults, he ends up with 24/4 cause he man moded twitch tower dive ALL THE THINGS.

You know you're losing when the enemy twitch turret dives for his kill.
Also, teemo too.....that was a sad game for me.

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Bought Jayce and his skin. Let's go.

How is he? The champion spotlight made him look ridiculously hard.
daddy kill the spider