ray,yes madmans,cool idea(ok mayb).
well,just be on topic with you opinions on the discussion.
like me a time before,i didnt know what to post,so i started on my oppinions.
brazil here where i live,not much to talk,well have his good things,like the roads here have some people where we can talk,alot of markets close and some friendly neightbors,but alot of bad things too,like bad medicines,roads for car is an problem,high prices,hot climate and other stuffs.
but i like to live here,better than nothing.
but i wold like alot to live in france,japan,portugal,mexico,australia(YES!) or canada,looks some good places to live.
Last edited by victortb; Feb 28, 2016 at 03:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post

hi guys just stop by to say I love you <3 ^-^

is it the legendary bgjaems1?
holy shit guys we have been visited by a mythical creature
don't post in (shout)'s thread btw. they suck ass.

Originally Posted by Obzut View Post
Im just here so I wont get fined :l

infracted on february 28th (sunday), your infraction will expire next sunday.
oh and if you get another infraction point, you will be banned from posting in the thread for 1 week
tough lyfe
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
ray,yes madmans,cool idea(ok mayb).
well,just be on topic with you opinions on the discussion.
like me a time before,i didnt know what to post,so i started on my oppinions.
brazil here where i live,not much to talk,well have his good things,like the roads here have some people where we can talk,alot of markets close and some friendly neightbors,but alot of bad things too,like bad medicines,roads for car is an problem,high prices,hot climate and other stuffs.
but i like to live here,better than nothing.
but i wold like alot to live in france,japan,portugal,mexico,australia(YES!) or canada,looks some good places to live.

france is like.. almost nobody speaks english there. you'll have to start learning french very quickly in order to blend in.. or you're fucked.
lmao japan, are you an anime fan? from what i've heard it's not a good place, tokyo is like the most expensive city, and they have a lot of shitty festivals in japan.
'''''huge plastic pink dick festival'''''''' yeah that's actually a festival, go look it up man
idk about portugal, mexico... eh not looking so good unless you're rich. they have cartels and their water.. it makes you shit for days. haha im kidding about that one lol
australia is cool, though they like to swear a lot. especially the word cunt, don't go there unless you're not easily offended.
canada is shit ass cold, it's a nice country though.
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
Yeah, you're better off outside of sweden, it's a shithole of political correctness.

Oh and yes upp, sweden is shit. <3
but at least you're fucking rich
Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
The summer on Argentina is on december.

Nice to see you Derp! You tell me that you wont join... but thanks!

Guys i make 2 news madman! If you can CnC!

CnC this frist. Released- SRBOGNANNO

Something Fail - SRBOGNANNO

released.rpl - uhh... have you ever heard of relaxing joints? because it doesn't seem like so. the flow is not good. try to relax more.


australia is cool,and im not really an anime fan,but i watch some,lately i have been more a furry fan,but eh.
well,canada and australia seems great to live(atleast at my view),must think about positive part as well.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Yeah that thing of the bank upp, for now I will put the prizes of the events from my own tcs, I have like 11k so I'll try to make 4 events with prizes round 2.5k, when I run out of tcs then I might start using the bank's. Also we might apply soon, now that there are more active members so we might ``lose´´ 50k from the bank

Ayy your alive ray okno

I see most of you who ansered to my question wanted to do a madmans thing so yeah I will make an event bout that, Ill post it in a few hours probably.

Welp I could go to australia then, It's really hard to offend me. I personally want to go live in germany cause hail hitler because I want to study engeneering and it's no news that germans are really advanced in this area, also it seems like my kind of country with ppl who are kinda distant and apathetic, or at least I have been told that they are so... yeah I need to learn german first
wait a bit more before application,not sure if there is enought activity.
wait to atleast 14 or more members active post here.
well,germany seems a great place on engineering,but i want more the australia due to minimum salarium(idk word in english,correct me please),exotic and amazing animals,looks cool people and probably has some fliperamas and game places.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well Australia is an amazing place, if I couldnt go to germany I would definetally try to get there, Its climate is similar to the one we have here and ppl is nice and friendly, no need to say that the population is really low and that its quite a beutiful place to live in
yeah is,i preffer cold times because you can use heavy roups and blankets,as well that isnt easy to sweat while practice exercices,but besides the hotness of the country,its amazing.
japan is a great place too,great technology,game places and otakus(i preffer furries,but otakus is great too).
well,caribe seems as well a good place.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
not so soon,we must improve in some things first,as activity.
well,what are you guys favorite old console?
i like alot megadriver(its how we call here in brazil)/sega genesis and snes.
and a bit of nes,it games are really hard and fun,simple but clean and beautiful 2D graphics,as well the simple and comfortable controller.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
I am going to get alot of shit for this, but here i go: Fuck retro gaming consoles. Some of the games on them are good, but the majority are shit, and it's not because of the graphics it's because almost all the titles are from nintendo, and fuck nintendo, most of their games suck balls. Maybe they were inovators, but so was infiniminer, and noone really talks about that no more, minecraft gets all the credit, you know why? Because minecraft is fucking better (not acording to everyone ofcourse). But because nintendo made something it's innovative. I liked supermario 3, but the rest are just stupid. As for sega, i like them better, but it's still the same old gameplay, like sonic and mario are very similar to eachpther gameplay wise.

It's not that i hate sidescrollers, it's just that if found most of the old ones to be boring.
The graphics are not good on most of the games either. Now i'm not one of those guys who have a single digit iq and says something like: "CoD is way better that CS because CoD has better graphics." I'm not like that, but on many of the retrogames the graphics are so poor, you can't even see if your character is a man or a woman (not that it matters).
"But Upp, that was the best they could do with their technology back then!"

Yes, i am not saying that they were awesome for the time, but now we can do better. Some of the retro games still hold up, because of the story and gameplay, but most of the games where bland, and boring. so, favourite old console, i'd go with the original XBox, because it's pretty old by todays standards of modern technology. And favourite old game? Pacman, i love me some pacman.