Originally Posted by MrTeapawt View Post
holy hell it's 5ben.

ayoooooooooooo, what's good.

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
ben! what up man?

Nothin special, just trying to power my way through high school and finally get it over with.
I've been playing other games recently (i don't even have TB installed :O ), so I pretty much forgot about this forum for a couple months.

Do you guys even still play?

Originally Posted by XPaD View Post
or buy me watch dogs :v

Watch dogs is overhyped and its still in pretty bad shape... I wouldn't buy it, but maybe *cough* acquire *cough* it
If they were to patch the game more often, and if I didn't have to fucking sign into ubishit uplay every single time I just wanna play offline, it would be better.
Just my 2 cents
Last edited by qq5ben; Jun 8, 2014 at 06:00 PM.
Well, watchdogs seems way over-rated to me. I've heard many mixed reviews about the game and I don't think I'll buy it. Maybe if the price drops, and in The Bahamas prices are about 2x the price as America because we have no taxes and thats their excuse. So, I highly doubt a price drop.
I tried it on friend's house just now, its ok I think. I like how you can craft from equipment wheel instead of going into inventory manually, and there are a lot of side missions to do.
Good game, but like ben said its overhyped.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Main reason I don't want to have a girlfriend because it will eat up my gaming allowances. :3

Oh please, we all know the reason Sicks dun has lady is cuz Sicks 2 hott 4 ladys.

Originally Posted by MrTeapawt View Post
Getting $200 from Yale, gonna end up giving half of it to my girlfriend.
it happens m8.

I know it happens, i had 100 euros, got a gf, now i dont.
I bought Watchdogs, but, in my opinion it sucks.
Guns are like toys, runs shitty on computers, i have a good one but just it doesnt fit in. I love the script tho, after watching some videos the story seems kinda good :3
I am now considered even more forum active, sorry about being inactive lately. I had trouble with my browser and today my Brother removed a browser virus causing the browser to not connect to any website of such.

anyways kgo
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Originally Posted by Rolandman View Post
I am now considered even more forum active, sorry about being inactive lately. I had trouble with my browser and today my Brother removed a browser virus causing the browser to not connect to any website of such.

anyways kgo

Uhm, do you have any antivirus programs?
I didnt have one days ago, so i had to remove all things manually and it was pain in to the ass.

Have you guys heard about gameover Zeus? Check it out.