damn theres a lot of new members :o
welcome all of you. it would help all of us immensely if you guys could post good quality post on a good basis. it could help us become official
now I'm a hypocrite for saying that :D
Originally Posted by BquadZ7550 View Post
damn theres a lot of new members :o
welcome all of you. it would help all of us immensely if you guys could post good quality post on a good basis. it could help us become official
now I'm a hypocrite for saying that

lol'd nice to see you are alive.

Also guys you will be invited to the clan group once you pas your trial, there isnt much on it, we mostly use it to talk about somethings related to the clan and ourselves
Hi there!!!
Im the new member of MAU!!
So im a 9th dan alt that dont play sience 2010 so dont be rude :c
Im Alisha, im 20 years old
Im actually busy with university rn so i wont post much!! x(
Theres a photo of me when i cosplay'd lara croft when the rise of tomb rider was released. It was fun because i got like 6 photos more of me being lara croft... I think the cosplay was nice because they used my photo a lot...


So im ready to start again guys!!! Lets go!!!
Ps: ill give a photo of me now soon~ (i dont like photos x3)
Last edited by DerpOne; Feb 27, 2016 at 08:28 AM.
aight you little shits new recruits, i am oxide, i have been in this clan for 6 months.
yeah it's sad i know
but basically i'm the only active high position member (excluding onsola cuz he leader lol) left here. lust posts for one day and goes inactive for a month. grus.. well he never even posts except this time and i don't know how he managed that.
so basically i'm the mean guy in this clan
funny how im the most active in-game too so mau gets seen as 'most autistic users'
nahhh but seriously, i'm like the ambassador of this shithole, idk why i haven't left already.
oh and here are the thread rules, you won't be forgiven if you make a shitpost next time ;)


ok so that's it, make sure to read that
and welcome to most autistic users martial arts uncontested.

oh and if you want to play right now, you can find me at /jo mau
Last edited by Oxide; Feb 27, 2016 at 07:22 AM.
Thats nice as a welcome... I think...
I cant go rn because my roommates are sleeping because its late and im posting this on my phone and stuff...
Sorry! xC
Fuck your opinions oxide

WElcome derpone, and all the other members that've joined. I'm lust, better than oxide. That's all you really need to know about me.

I'm hyped for anime con 2k16 here in our province. I think i'm going to cosplay someone from fairy tail, idk. I'm not so sure. DerpOne, any tips?

From this day onwards, we are now the fourth generation Martial Arts Uncontested, i guess.
6 new members, some active members, and a shit ton of inactive members, yet we still don't have a recruiter. We should start a recruiter recruitment drive eh?

Originally Posted by oxide
Prood Lowballer

that's alphan00b's siggy >:C
Last edited by Lust; Feb 27, 2016 at 08:08 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I saw that guy!
He's funny....
Also lust i cant give u tips about anime cosplays because ive never cosplay'd of anime..
But... If u give me a photo of the guy u want to cosplay.... Maybe... Just maybe i can help u..
Ive never liked anime cosplays...
Also im addicted to sleeping dogs now!
Its awesome!!!
I searched about a cosplay of Wei Shen and i just found a girl that looks very nice as Wei Shen but her boobs kills all the cosplay...
Why u dont try to cosplay Wei Shen
Its ez (except for the tattoos in all his body... :/)
Last edited by DerpOne; Feb 27, 2016 at 08:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Dark color should not be a color!
Lol dude i don't know that guy. Searched it up, and is that girl you're talking about the one who has bangs and neck-long hair? Also i prefer to cosplay someone who doesnt have tatoos

Who does cosplay but doesn't like anime!? >:O


Also i noticed sc1ence isn't part of the clan anymore. He'll make a great wowzaa3.
I reported 2 of your members for saying racist words...

Also, sorry, im finding my destiny outta mau
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Lol, that's harsh. You're filipino after all. Filipinos don't really take racism seriously, since filipinos are like pandas, they're black, white, and asian.

Say, mind telling me those two who said the racist words ? If you want to pm it, or not tell it at all, i don't mind.