Endurance Onslaught 6.0
How bout no fuck that idea.

Remember were a video game org not an Ivy League college.
I don't want to read about people's irrelevent hobbies like grinding rocks to make their own sand.
Last edited by footlox; Sep 9, 2016 at 12:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Smh. This thread has gone to shit. Aquita is still a good dude just don't piss him off. He's just concerned. Roux and Aquita are probably the two player that I respect most of out this organization since I barely know anyone in here. And replays are actually convenient if you are lazy to have an in-game test, but the bad thing is Bushido replays can be staged and that kind of kills the mood. And in-game tests are great because you're actually there to see the person that is being tested play, which is way better than replays.

And remember, we are an org with people that love Bushido. We're here to talk about Bushido. Not about some members going ape shit about what problems they have about this org. I find that bitching about the problem only makes it worse. I rather see you all find a solution instead of clogging up this chat with this useless bullshit arguing. Seriously, even with freedom of speech there are things that PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO HEAR NO MATTER WHAT YOUR OPINION IS. I'm just here to give my two cents because this "problem" apparently hasn't been solved yet so I'm just putting out my thoughts.

Please make our org look good. Because if this goes on, I don't think anyone is gonna join a Bushido org with people that argue 24/7.
Haha! Ur mad!
This argument is necessary because it concerns the future of the org and the normal members should have a say, but yes let's try to keep it more civil.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Originally Posted by Aquita View Post
I don't want to read about people's irrelevent hobbies like grinding rocks to make their own sand.

Who said anything about them mentioning hobbies? We would obviously only be concerned with their involvement in the tb community and their ingame style. That's why we would have guidelines on what to put and what not to put.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Guidelines, that sounds like a formed app to me. What else does the current form need to ask for?
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
It needs to ask for the same things (maybe a few additions), except we require it in paragraph form. The current app requires little effort to complete. If a player was actually serious about joining, they would be willing to put forth more effort into making the application.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Originally Posted by Aquita View Post
How bout no fuck that idea.

Remember were a video game org not an Ivy League college.
I don't want to read about people's irrelevent hobbies like grinding rocks to make their own sand.

Actually it's a free form app about why they would like to join and what there weak points are and yes you get to know the person your accepting into your org. Please act like a leader that cares and not a Dictator. This org is all about learning and getting along.

Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
It needs to ask for the same things (maybe a few additions), except we require it in paragraph form. The current app requires little effort to complete. If a player was actually serious about joining, they would be willing to put forth more effort into making the application.

Originally Posted by Ponzo View Post
Actually it's a free form app about why they would like to join and what there weak points are and yes you get to know the person your accepting into your org. Please act like a leader that cares and not a Dictator. This org is all about learning and getting along.

That's just how I talk/write, I'm not attacking anybody. Roux would whip it right back if he was actually offended. Yes we all get along here but not by giving hugs. Don't be so soft ponzo.

As for the app, Roux will agree (hopefully) that me and him designed the new application together to be a direct but demanding form that gives us exactly what we need to know, leaving no room for irrelevancy.

This has only been in place for maybe 2 months and what I see is improvement in the system:
1. it has discouraged many of the weaker players from applying who wouldn't be accepted anyway.

2. It extracts only essential information from the applicant.
I guarantee if you return to free form apps your going to get paragraphs of nonsense that nobody wants to read. Even if you request that they be aikido specific.

3. With one, maybe two exceptions, the applicants who have put the effort into these formed apps have all turned out to be exceptional players and members.
Look at this

MrDohnutz Application

You know in the first minute of reading this application that you want to accept this guy. Everything is organized and direct. The replays are key and we can't review apps with out them.

Every single applicant who is accepted should jump out like this guy. It makes the process so much easier and efficient. Of course there's always room for tweaking.
Finally, I just edited the app thread that should take care of one problem where people have been forgetting to post there replays.

Part 1: Copy, Paste, and Complete the App Form in your Quick Reply Box.
If you do not complete Part 2 with in 24 hours after posting your app, your app will be deleted!

Last edited by footlox; Sep 9, 2016 at 05:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists