well ok ill see the price of gtx 750 later,but what about gtx 650?
1 dolar = 3brl = 3R$
gtx 610 is about 300R$ there
gtx 910 is a bit more than 2000R$
edit: well GTX 710 600R$ in some markers there,idk actually my pc is broken,but ill see with my mother if will be possible to buy one after i fix my computer
Last edited by victortb; Feb 26, 2016 at 12:59 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well, it still largely depends on what games you want to play. if you only want to play low end games like toribash or csgo, it'll require piss to run. but for csgo, the best recommended gpu is the gtx 750 ti. you'll have to look into specifics to know what works best.
actually im wanting my pc just to render scenes(Blender3d,i got new ideas for CGI),to run toribash on max at 60fps(as well to make videos) and to vegas pro dont lag like it was doing.
probably an gta 670 is enought i guess,just 400R$ here,somewhat cheap
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
yeah, it all depends on what you're gonna use it for, though for video editing you should usually get 16 GB of RAM.
oh and by the way, i didn't know i could make good logos x)
good logo man,i was a logo maker before,time when i was using paintdotnet forums,then rushed to blender forums but not posting anymore,now im here,but im sure ill dont exit this.
probably if my pc get back to work ill back to some forums: blenderartists,paintdotnetforums,the furry forums(or furrybrasil,or both),cry of fear forums and afraid of monsters forum,well this is alot,but fun to use.
i have some idea for avatars,may i Pm u one?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Ouuh well nice to have you back mat, may I ask why Ancient is here now? I havent seen him posting anywhere, well welcome bud I hope you enojy your stay here.

about the video card, you should always try to buy the best thing you can ofc not going to buy a titan black but I think you get my point, I have been told that sometimes it's better to save up a lil bit more money and wait a bit to buy one rather than buying the one you can afford at that point.

Dont look at me tho, I wont buy shit for my pc til I get a job, and then I will go nuts, Ill buy the most powerful stuff I will be able to afford.
i will first finish my informatic course and then i will construct my computer.
probably i will be with gtx 650,its good card,not so expensive(at least here) and isnt that big for my pc.
i dont play much games beside toribash,however i use blender to make cgi scenes,then a good card is needed.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well if youarent using heavy programs/games then I guess having a powerful video card is kinda useless since you dont actually need it, Also what do you learn in that course, programing or what?
computer parts and how to construct one.
as well i will stud programming on it.
but the most useful will be the parts of pc,the problem is on the electricity,it falls every minute.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Oh sorry guys maybe i should have said this: I keep my computer on 24/7 because i am a lazy fuck, so just because i'm online doesn't mean i'm there, but i'll message you when i am.

I am also too lazy to build a computer, i'd rather pay a bit extra for someone else to do the "hard" work.