Ooooooooooooookey guys. Yes, i´m back.

Why you are back?

I want see at my favourite clan getting official! Also i want turn up the activity of the clan and my activity. I was so really inactive when i was out. And now,together, we´ll get official.

Other thing, i want do some wars with the clan.
Sure, as soon as i get home i will see if i can't get some new people in here. And when you come on, i most surely will join you in the quest for fresh blood.
Nice to have you back Bog! Lets hope you help us getting this more active.

If you want guys tomorrow we can make a hang-out/recruitment server maybe we get to find some new members there
I see you are on now, Ill mesage you on steam, we can play for a bit later I think I will go play warframe or work on a few mods I am doing.

If you see this jo mau
glad to see back,bog.
how its going on?
well,cant get oficial with all those members inactive :/ but i guess sometime everyone will be back
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Sorry guys. Internet seriously got shit at home and cant even open google chrome. When we install new internet i'll be sure to make it up by being more active. What happened when im gone?
We almost died without you showing us which way we should go ouh savior eki! But yeah we go inactive, I added a few new guys, only Axel proved to be a worthy member so far, I applied for modsquad and got accepted in one day, I hosted a logo event inforums and mat won it, you can see his logo in the main thread, cata madea good logo as well, cata came back but now is inactive again and yeah pretty much that.
almost died.
great mod disussion.
art events.
huge inactivity.
uppkicker alot of posts.

well basically all this and what onsola said.
onsola,where are u in mod squad? cant see it
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
this shold not die,wtf,activity got very down
well,uppkicker is pre-adult so,im 14
yeah computers are expensive,so ill wait to my school say if i got in the course or not.
ill fix mine and probably buy a gtx 610 or a 630

yeah but seriously, those two cards are pieces of shit, i'd recommend the GTX 750 Ti, works amazing for the price

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Well Ik mat and gru are still there but for some reason they dont post :/

i need the troll feeling
but lol i have finals

Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
Ooooooooooooookey guys. Yes, i´m back.

Why you are back?

I want see at my favourite clan getting official! Also i want turn up the activity of the clan and my activity. I was so really inactive when i was out. And now,together, we´ll get official.

Other thing, i want do some wars with the clan.

oh so ur just here to be in an official clan

Originally Posted by Lust View Post
Sorry guys. Internet seriously got shit at home and cant even open google chrome. When we install new internet i'll be sure to make it up by being more active. What happened when im gone?
