I have ne idea where everyone went, only a ahandfull of people left.

We need to advertise our clan more, and also advertise TB itself.
this shold not die,wtf,activity got very down
well,uppkicker is pre-adult so,im 14
yeah computers are expensive,so ill wait to my school say if i got in the course or not.
ill fix mine and probably buy a gtx 610 or a 630
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Yeah, it feels like there is only 4 people posting on the thread. I will try to not be lazy and start recruiting, however we do not know if they will be forum-active or not.
Well, for me this ,,some reason'' is just no idea what to post about, I know that there are
topics but, don't feel like posting. Anyway I'll try to post as much as I can. If I don't post
this usually means that something is going on or I just don't have much to say about topic.
I will try to rise activity, as I said.

Mkay, let's introduce new topic :

What's the tori you'd want to have?

(I mean the force, lax, textures and stuff)

I'd love to have set like [NO]evil (if you don't know how does he look dl him),
including elf force and relax, but pure relax is also fine with me. Set style would
be something similiar to his, I guess, but joints added, so yeah, that's it.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
im trying on marketing to get 25k TCs(just more 14k) to buy a pure force
relax i already have wich i want(aqua).
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
ayy gru

Well I want my tori to be a ancient-monster/ sort-of-alien thing with blue skin and a green suit, If I get all the texts I need a friend will help me with the skin, he already edited my head text adding some shaders to it.

idk if I will ever get joints but if I did maybe I would use them, its hard to make them look good.

I already have all the colors I need, idk maybe in the future Iw ill use trails again
hey gru
I want my tori to be a kind of camo design but only have the colors be black / white.
Would be something like this but instead of the purple, id rather have either Bright green, red, or blue
Maybe i would go for a tori covered in runes and stuff, that's cool right?

And here comes some rambling:

I have found that writing something creative helps my fakeish depression, and i decided that i am going to write a little story, so let met tell you what it is about:

Ok, so this guy, let's call him Ben for simplicity is this old ass fuck, like age 73 or something, and is a retired boxer. So this Ben one day decides he has no reason to live, so he goes to the pharmacy to get some pills to try to OD on them.
But when he gets in the store a mugger comes in and holds up the store. Ben gets mad and punches the mugger so hard that he dies.
He then stays in the store until the police gets there to take care of one of the cashiers who had his head knocked in by the mugger.

Ben tries to convince the authorities to jail him in, because he killed the mugger, but the police are hessitant to do this stating that Ben just acted in self defense(which is true). But because Ben feels guilt, both for killing the mugger and also for killing his opponent in his last boxing match he had before he retired.

Anyway, so the police sends him home, but say that they will contact him if they find something during the investigation. Ben gets interviewed by the papers in his home town, and the story about how he stopped a story robbery gains national status.

One day on his way home he gets jumped and knocked out by a group of people who then proceed to drag him out in the woods. When he wakes up they start questioning him about why he killed the mugger. It turns out that the mugger called Steve was an ex cop, who was fired from the force and pushed into poverty for being critical against his fellow officers aswell the the whole court crowd. His reasons for being critical was that he did not appreciate their exploits in the poorer districts of the town (blackmail, gambling, prostitution, assaults, etc...).

So, the police force and the other involved agencies wanted to silence him before he could start publishing his testimonys of what he has seen the police do in the slums. They first suggest killing him, and making it look like an accident, but then realise that Steve dying so suddenly might wake suspiscion from the general public. So they decide to just use all their legal force to get him kicked of the force and push him into poverty. That way, people won't believe what he says, because noone would ever listen to a "poor old drunk".

So anyway, it turns out that theese men who kidnapped Ben are a group of other ex police men who has suffered the same faith, and they started a coolition to try to dig out the truth, and show everyone the police's dirty laundry. They had a plan to break in to the police's document vault where they could find the documents necessary to prove that the police force is corrupt. This plan was to be executed when there were as few officers as possible in the town, and relied on a distraction to attract most of the police that were still in town.

This distraction involved Steve holding up a store and taking hostages, so that the police would come and try to gain control over the situation, which would give the others in the coolition time to break in to the police vault. However, because Ben killed Steve in the act, the situation did not become so dire it needed all the cops, only two officers were sent there to investigate, and make sure that everyone was fine.

Now the coolition suspected Ben to be an undercover cop, who had known about the plan, and was sent out by the force to take care of Steve's little distraction.

However, Ben manages to convince the group that is not an undercover cop, and that he was just in the same store because of pure coincidense. Eventually they let him go, but not after cutting him up quite badly. Some time later he offers to help the coolition, because he feels guilty for killing one of their friends. After some discussion they agree to take him in, and they start planning a new attack.

Meanwhile a publick backlash strikes the police force because they question why Ben was not put into jail for murdering a man. The police states to the public that Ben simply acted in slef defense, but the crowd will not listen, they want Ben's head on a platter. The high circle of law enforcement is called "The Senate" and are highly involved with the corruption of the force, and are well aware of Steve's opinions about the force, and the real threat that he posed when he was alive.

The senate suggests that the police should stop defending Ben, because letting him of the hook might raise suspiscion, in that the public soon would start asking "why did Ben get away with killing Steve? Did the police want Steve to die?" And as soon as the crowd would start asking themselves that question, Steves testemonials would have some credit to them.
So The Senate suggests that the police force better find Ben, and put him in jail.
When the police finds Ben's apartment, he is not home, and because they are impatient they break in to his apartment. There they search through everything they find, and eventually finds Ben's notes about the plan he helped make with the coolition.

The Plan is almost identical to the first one, and will be executed in 3 days, when most of the cops are out of town in order to help out at a large event in a nearby city.

Ben won't return to his apartment until the plan is done, because he lives with the coolition in their shared house, so he never notices that the cops have been there.

Two days later when it's time to make the move, Ben and 4 of the other 5 members take their cars to the city bank, where the documents are kept. But ofcourse the cops know that they are doing this because they found Ben's notes. SO they are already there waiting for them.

So, a large frefight breaks out, killing most of the coolition members, but Ben, though injured by a bullet in the sholder manages to get into the room where the documents are kept. He quickly runs through a couple of files, and manages to find the required documents. He then gets out of the building, just as the cops see him. He gets in his car and drives away, with cops driving after.

Finally Ben drives to the middle of a bridge, where he is now surrounded by cops.
He quickly grabs a plastic bag, a pistol and a bag of magazines from the car, walks out to the edge of the bridge, puts the dokuments in the plastic bag, and puts it in his inner pocket. He straps the bag over his sholder and puts the gun in his pocket and jumps down in the water. His plan being that the magazines and pistol will weigh him down enough to sink to the bottom, where he will drown. And after a month or two when his body has swelled up enough to float up, someone will find the plastic bag in his pocket with the documents, hopefully intact still in it.

Jeese that was a long post, so yeah. I tried to post something a bit longer to cancel out the lack of posts.

So what do you think about the story, worth writing? And you better not steal it, or i'll be mad at you!
nice story man! you should work a bit on the way you narrate but over all it's quite good, kinda depresive-ish

yeah that was quite a post, I will try to recruit more ppl today and tomorrow if I find you I wanna give me a hand? I want to kick most inactive members and start cleaning a bit the clan, way too much inactivity. Idk what else to do to make ppl post here :/