Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I feel real Shitty right now. My cat is dieing in a painful way and I don't want to watch it happen but I don't want him to die alone.

Kill youre self so you cat wasnt die alone
Originally Posted by R1GBY View Post
Kill youre self so you cat wasnt die alone

I don't think tb users are ready to become psychologists just yet.
Never had a pet, so i can't really relate, but i'm sorry for your loss.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
but i'm sorry for your loss.

don't worry we will win it sometimes
Originally Posted by Master View Post
what about the dead fish?

my ground text remember pls

Why do you have to bring up my dead fish :<

I do remember

don't think tb users are ready to become psychologists just yet.
Never had a pet, so i can't really relate, but i'm sorry for your loss.

The internet is definitely not the best place for that

I cant believe you never had a pet :*) heh
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Originally Posted by Neru View Post
I know the feels, my cat died and I felt guilty I couldn't do anything about it.
I had lots of pets that ran away and died ;c

Ah....the memories.

My cat survived a car accident because he was sleeping behind the tire of my dad's car when he was coming out of the garage. We manage to save him and build a cyborg cat with a bunch of cloth and metal parts and created a new specie of a mechanical cat that was half machine and organic. His face had an iron jaw with a red eye that could identify food across miles and track with it. He couldn't run, but he managed to walk with the hydraulic pistons he had around his back legs. He did pretty well for a few years with all his problems but one day he died and he was shut down for lack of movements because of the rust taking over his body.

Ha, he didn't have all that on, but he was more like a zombie cat with a bunch of modifications around his body.

and he didn't say meow
(More like mooooooooooo)

My neighbor kawaii dog got run over in the night? They discover the body in the day, somehow the dog still alive. My neighbor says it got eye replacement, titanium or something on 20 bones.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I feel real Shitty right now. My cat is dieing in a painful way and I don't want to watch it happen but I don't want him to die alone.

Don't worry rawr
When I was little i was playing with my hamster. I left it for a while and a stray cat ate it

Lazors pet es awesome
My dumb parrot usually woke me up everyday on exact time, 7 am.
thanks jack , trocher3 and lazors . I feel better now . But Lazors , my goal is now to be in a band , it's so boring to play alone here :s .

Also neru , hi . You probaly don't know me but as you can see i am a new member since 3-4 day's ago
Hi :3
I was notified via Skype and I think you're a good person after reading your app. :)
Welcome to Suki
yes yes

I'm going to sleep now
kthanx bye

Originally Posted by xGodEnzx
haha Master has the same pic like my old avvy

HI neru, your back saving people?

Pff, I can't barely save myself.
I just save what I can :>
Last edited by Neru; Jul 28, 2014 at 11:41 AM.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Okay , i am about to finish samurai champloo today , 13 episodes to watch hehe . I never watched so much before in one day but i wanna watch gunslinger girl , guns and girls hehe <3 . It's because of the theme song in osu , i love it :o
Let me share this

lotte fits

Im i the only one who likes the girl from the commercial ? xd
Last edited by kakajade_old; Jul 28, 2014 at 01:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump