Okay, here it goes.


Hello there, My name is Clown.

I am 19 years old, and I live in the United States.

I started to play Toribash a month ago, I played before but I never made my own acc I always played a few games with my brother around 2009-2010, after that I just watched him. Learned the ways of the forums from him and learned what was going on with everything. I have bought 2k, and I plan on buy more over time to get to at least 10th dan.
I choose to do this cause I am not really into earning belt, I am more into Gaining rank and getting hi qi items. I focus on trying to make friends and be good at this game rather then what belt I am or what not. My favorite mods are Wushu3, brushu, Aikido and Rk_mma. I am kind of short tempered but still a cool guys to hang around, I am easy to get a long with in my opinion. I hope you guys see this and accept me in to your ranks.
Senior Member

I've tried for Tribe and yes I made one for jollyR but then decided to delete it.

I've been back and forth on what clan to join.

I've been drawn to this clan sense I started but 1 I didn't think i was good enough and u guys are not as active but now that ive hung around you guys I want this clan to be my perma clan

You posted this a few days ago, so these clans you applied for didn't accept you, so you go down the list of clans.

I say NO due to the fact you go from clan to clan.
I actually don't have a list.

I understand it looks bad but it is not at all what it seems.

I was brought here by Chaco, I talked about it with him ingame.

I am just eagerly looking for a clan to stay in. I am not trying to seem like a clan hopper at all.
Not at all

I see you guys get a long with each other real well, I want to find long friends here in toribash that is all I am wanting.