Hi, im Finalwish and im applying. A bunch of you know me from way back when but i havnt really been on TB much recently because reasons, but id like to get back into it and having a clan and people to chat to would aid that to no end.
Ive been in a bunch of other clans and TLL, er... 2 or 3 times at various points since i started TB. Im done moving about, you guys have always been cool with me and id like to repay that with my loyalty. No other clan is acceptable to me, only TLL will do.

Yes anyway, il be on IRC.
Thanks for reading.
Belt: Um <- in normal place (3rd dan)
Why i Want to join: I was playing with a bunch of TLL players, and let me say, they rip my hands off and head, but besides that, they very cool people in-game, nice attitudes and have respect for one another, so i think i would fit in very nicely.
Skill's: Ok this is not in game skill's, this is me as me, i'm very good in editing replays, i can make textures when im on a very bright mood. I'm very contributed to Toribash, and working on my Forum Activity.

So i hope that's enough for you guys, if it's not, let me know please.


oh my word, i'm very formal today. Well Bye for now.
Why I should Join TLL
Hello I am pierce711, And I wish to Join TLL. Yesterday I asked to join TLL and sounded like a Noob because I couldn't find The application thread. And I'm sorry about that, I was sorry, And my computer just got fixed after 3 weeks of being broken. I am active in game, Have been playing for a while, And would be honored if you let me join TLL. Again, Im sorry about my first impression to TLL and hope you let me join.Thanks!
They keep kicking me from their servers for nothing!! All i did was ask a simple question about my application and i got muted, then did /rec then got banned. I don't mean any offense to anybody, just saying.