
New fucking Queens Of The fuckin Stone Age !!!!!!!!!!!!!

size matters

Btw thanks for Slow dive willy <3
had short session with snake and sock today..many retarded things happened. we rode in a heli with some random guy and he fucking killed us then when we were wandering back to base...fucking fuck some guy crashed heli and we all died. AAAAA but in the end we did complete the side mission first with sucky faggots trying but failing to strike the heli with artillery...RAAAAAGE
Your messed up world enthrills me
all becuz retards play on public servers ;) we need more people to run private one. atleast 16 people and we will be combat effective ( 2 full squads )
This is for you deppy:

What I was trying to say is, um, that while I sat here I had a -- extremely pleasant time, on the piano, actually, I was playing the piano and sort of singing. I rather fear I might have kept people awake upstairs. One hopes not, but it was pleasant, and it's extremely pleasant sitting here now because I think there's something extraordinarily nice about seeing the dawn up before one goes to bed, because there's something uncanny about it, though it's only because light... because one connects darkness with going to bed, surely, and when one is still up when it becomes light, when it's a new day, you still haven't gone to sleep, because the night equals sleep, so easily... and when one is still up when the new day begins it is something of a cheering experience I always find. I can look out the window now and that tree over there is green whereas before one goes to bed, just as one goes to bed, that tree should be black, surely; everything should be black before one goes to bed, that is surely the essence of the romantic.

Anyway I think I'm straying from the point. I shall probably stop talking here, because if I don't I shall start soon relating the life histories of things, which will be frightfully tedious. So it's here that I'll sort of say good night to you now. Good night.

that's nick drake by the way
Your messed up world enthrills me