Originally Posted by IceWariorZ View Post
After I read your post I was hoping that was the video you linked to :P It is hilarious.

Anyways, I agree that pubs suck, and I also play ranked so it's even worse. Hopefully I will manage to get up to a high enough mmr where the trolls do not exist.

Yeah, i feel you there, Good luck!
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
i've only played about 15 games so far and i'm leaps and bounds better than the people i'm playing with/against

they must be totally new to mobas

Yeah man, the most amazing thing is that these people still probably win half their games.

I've seen people play below dirt level and still have 50% win rate. It's incredible the spectrum of people.

Well, I don't mind so long as they aren't on my team...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
> 30 seconds in
> smoke gank against kunka
> kunka walks away
> "Great play by mushi!!!"
> announcer is full serious

Holy shit the amount of dick sucking.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Yeah man, the most amazing thing is that these people still probably win half their games.

I've seen people play below dirt level and still have 50% win rate. It's incredible the spectrum of people.

Well, I don't mind so long as they aren't on my team...

i'm on a losing streak right now, I don't know how to carry and i'm usually the best player on the team so yeah

if the best player on the team sucks then unless the other team sucks more we're bound to lose
If even 1 person on your team is worse than the average at your MMR, you will probably lose. If you go a 'safe farmer' hero (doom?) you can probably steal a win, and learning to play Nature's Prophet well will also help you win with a bad team.

Personally I just play with teams whenever I can.

EDIT: This game is like symphony of fails. Is this for real? They make such shit mistakes. Kunka missing X/torrent combo? What? Are you serious? Tiny walks in to cogs 3 times?!?! Clock hook cogs a bat??!?! wtf.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If even 1 person on your team is worse than the average at your MMR, you will probably lose. If you go a 'safe farmer' hero (doom?) you can probably steal a win, and learning to play Nature's Prophet well will also help you win with a bad team.

Personally I just play with teams whenever I can.

EDIT: This game is like symphony of fails. Is this for real? They make such shit mistakes. Kunka missing X/torrent combo? What? Are you serious? Tiny walks in to cogs 3 times?!?! Clock hook cogs a bat??!?! wtf.

True, but the fact that Bat can run out of cogs with fire is kinda bull shit ):

I don't think that EG can turn this around after losing the first game like that, they got demolished. Hopefully now they know who to ban and what DK is going to try to do.
Not having a counter to tiny wisp was pretty bad, and then just letting them do as they please... Every fight clock would hook ench then do some damage and die (one time he did kill ench though), while the rest of the team sat their trying to kill tiny. It ain't going to happen, he's tanky and there's a wisp...

If DK want an easy win they should just pick bb and watch as EG kill themselves.

I hope EG can at least put on a good show this time >_>

> NP pick for EG

they have 0 confidence
Why do EG wear 2 pairs of headphones?
DK just dominating.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 19, 2014 at 07:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Hey Gorman, at your level, are you put into new player teams too? Or does it work with brackets or something?
f=m*a syens
There's a hidden mmr system the same as ranked for unranked games. You start at 3k mmr and move up or down.

At the moment due to having a very high win rate with 5-stacks it's hard for me to win in pubs.

Earlier this year (jan/feb) I was on a +70% win rate with stacks (though I play with 4 different teams) which fucked the shit out of my mmr. When I started playing with certain less skilled teams we would lose every time because I would be dragging the party up so far. At the moment it seems to have stabilized.

I haven't had any new players for a long time.

Btw if you want to find your mmr for unranked, look at the ranked mmr for players you play with/against in pubs and it will be roughly similar.

EDIT: IO tether teleport exploit was patched out
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 19, 2014 at 08:54 PM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff