Sorry I haven't been active for a few. I'm really sick right now.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم


Sorry to say this, but we really don't need any more of them. but i suppose it's up to mapeleaf to decide. We already have 2 and both of them are active as hell.

User infracted - clan board invasion. Adding /invade does not justify your invasion.

Last edited by carl; May 13, 2010 at 05:46 PM.
Originally Posted by edjr2012 View Post
Sorry I haven't been active for a few. I'm really sick right now.

That sucks man. I hope you feel better.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
lol, ty, well, i just got gimp last night (im at school atm =/) but gimp is very complicated

I can help you with gimp, I've been using it for a long time now and don't worry even though I'm a little rusty I earned the texturer of the month awarde in august '09 ;)
Yea but ive got something you dont bio, i have experience in makin art. How can smeone who hardly makes art give efffective C&C. But ye its up to the mods.