You grassed yourself up, silly. Our boy L-dog didn't do anything wrong.

What's the purpose of the material being conductive? Wait wait wait.. I figured it out. So electric fencing is when you're trying to hit the torso with a play-sabre and then the torso lights up or gives some indication that you've been hit? That reminds me of an article I read last year. Some company wanted to do a UFC/MMA type thing, but with weapons (and all different styles of weapon-based combat). They had these futuristic suits that protected the fighters, but which also recognised how hard an impact was, and would calculate how much damage the attack would've done without the suits. I found the article - clicky.
Last edited by Ele; Mar 14, 2015 at 01:11 PM.
If only those futuristic things were real. If someone were to make a few of those suits for MMA purposes. Now that would be a show worth watching. (Gladiators for the win!)
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You grassed yourself up, silly. Our boy L-dog didn't do anything wrong.

What's the purpose of the material being conductive? Wait wait wait.. I figured it out. So electric fencing is when you're trying to hit the torso with a play-sabre and then the torso lights up or gives some indication that you've been hit? That reminds me of an article I read last year. Some company wanted to do a UFC/MMA type thing, but with weapons (and all different styles of weapon-based combat). They had these futuristic suits that protected the fighters, but which also recognised how hard an impact was, and would calculate how much damage the attack would've done without the suits. I found the article - clicky.

I wasn't seriouse about being mad at Lazors, that guy is great.

There are two types of sword, steam and electric. Not sure why steam is called steam and wether it is spelt like that at all. Because of the difficultly of judging on and off target and who hits first in steam foil (which is just unresponsive swords with no lamée jackets) because of the complicated rules of priority the president (referee) has to be paying attention to at the same time. So now the swords are attached to a wire connected to a box by a wire which clips onto the back of your jacket. The box is also connected to your lamée with another clip. When your sword connects with the opponents lamée it completes the circuit and the light on the box lights up and buzzes.

The mechanism depends on the sword, Épée does not require you to wear a lamée since your entire body is on target. There are four lights on the box, two for each side (sometimes just one light for each side which can do two colours but that is a triviality). One is white for both sides and lights up if your hit is off target, this is not used in sabre since it does not require pressure to register a hit and missing you opponent does not end the bout. The lights to show a successful hit are red and green usually, red for one side and green for the other. The different colours are so the president can tell easily who hit.

The points are not necessarily dependant on who hit first. If you both lunge and your front foot hits the ground first and you hit him a second before he hits you then he will have priority if he hits while his front foot is still in the air. If you hit someone on target and they hit you off target at the same time, you won't score a point if they had priority.

The priority rules are pretty complex so I won't go into anymore detail unless you are still interested.
Good morning sweet princess
It wouldn't be too hard to make a suit similar to fencing garb with impact sensors in it which would send information about the location and force of the hit. In electric fencing, the suits are already connected to a beeper via wire, so it wouldn't be a huge step up to just either add another wire or upgrade the beeper system.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Hello guys. I am out of the state and the internet connection isn't the best here, thus I may not be much active these days. I will spend around 4 days in this city. This place is very chill. I will leave some photos I got on my phone while I was traveling haha

Parnaiba's river

so much places for people live

The wires would get tangled if the piste (area of fencing) was not linear and you were allowed to face any direction. The information would have to be either transmitted wirelessly or have the box system attached to the suit.

In fencing it is the swords which have the complicated circuitry in them (except sabre which is pretty simple) rather than the suits. Foils and Épées require 1 newton of pressure on the point to register a hit. You can hit someone but if you don't press hard enough or if you hit at too sharp an angle so it slides off then no hit will be registered.
Good morning sweet princess
I am writing this post with Proto's penis. Sorry if you can't see it, it's in white ink.
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
Originally Posted by Kookoo11 View Post
I am writing this post with Proto's penis. Sorry if you can't see it, it's in white ink.


Hello there guys.
Originally Posted by Kookoo11 View Post
I am writing this post with Proto's penis. Sorry if you can't see it, it's in white ink.

Please explain why you are posting this here. I would like to know.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Hi, since so many tl;dr people can invade phoenix is it ok to just formally say proto's a lil' shit head
Proto's a little shithead

That's about as formal as I get.
Later tl;dr peeps.

ooh also, IT.
IT is by far the greatest thing by Stephen King, just saying.
Last edited by RedPanda; Mar 14, 2015 at 06:22 PM.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18