Endurance Onslaught 6.0
2ruD, under discussion.

You're already in our discord so that's a good plus.
You should be decided within afew minutes to hours.

Update: 2ruD, on trial.

Update 2: Added 6,000tc to the TLBank
Last edited by hanna; Mar 22, 2017 at 01:14 AM.
Uhm i'll try to get on discord but I don't have a pc so not sure how active I would be on it.
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]
Name: Alexander
Belt: Master belt
Favorite Lenshu Variation: lenshu3ng.tbm
Tell us about yourself: I'm from (duck), playing this game since 2007, also I was member of [DAT] in 2008-2009
Why do you want to join: Because I want to improve my self, Also I have been playing with some of you guys and you seems very nice, also I want to help this organization, since I got some art skills.
Since replays are not necessary, I didn't attach them, but if you need I can give you some.
Feel free to ask me everything you interested in
Delayer, Accepted. Join our discord if you want to hang out and talk to us.

-- On the other hand, how is everyone, my day is extremely stressful.
Welcome the new members! Didn't see this was really making a comeback. I believe
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Girlfriend is having issues with her parents and things as well as other stuff such as school, so of course me being the boyfriend in the situation worries and things about it. On the other hand my job is getting onto my arse for not working "hard enough" lmao.