so demon will start the vid if i send him 10k
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
yea so he is making our video
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Yeah, i hate the new 4.0, the sounds suck totally, it doesnt load up my textures, for no reason, it buggs out, its just shitty to me, i like 3.99 better and i will be using it until a better version comes out, cause 4.0 is just worse, and i dont care about textured joints, mod making, or hair, these are useless to me.

Also, i have a few nice suggestions for the clan video song, shall i post them?

ill be back in a few hours. (School)
What's the plan for tonight guys? Ethr server? Party? Betting server? Anything? I want to play some games so would be fun

Also, Ave, Butterz, Demonburn, please try to not spam boards. Use more than one sentence.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Ethereal, Uhh, why do you ignore me guys? i ask, give opinions and i suggest, and you still act like you dont see me post...

I dont know what is your guys deal, if theres a reason behind that, if i said something wrong, im sorry, i am, truly sorry, you know, Ethr got preety popular and its known for its thing i dont know how to describe it, but uhh, this is really hard, lets just say for being nice to people, hmm? you know what im saying?

And also, when someone from Ethr makes a Ethr lobby, and really, a sex load of people join, and a few of them are famous, last time the server was so full, it was like GMBets, and ive seen some people from urban i believe.

Also, be sure to war other clans often when they fix it in the new clan system.

Kershner, might want to change your signature, youre not a [-Ghoul] leader anymore, are you? yeah, thats just a little detail but people will find it wierd if you have "Proud leader of [-Ghoul]" in your signature when youre in another clan.

Just remember, im not forcing you to change it im just saying.

-{[(Pwease Read it :3)]}-
Last edited by Metriakon; Sep 7, 2012 at 06:09 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes and such :p
What's the plan for tonight guys? Ethr server? Party? Betting server? Anything? I want to play some games so would be fun

I agree. We should do something tonight. I thing a party/Ethr server would be awesome. A betting server could help us get Official rank too. (Btw, still in school. Just on lunch break.)

Ethereal, Uhh, why do you ignore me guys? i ask, give opinions and i suggest, and you still act like you dont see me post...

Most of us are in school when you post. I know I can't get on as often during those days. Plus even after school, we might have stuff to do afterwards.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
Ethereal, Uhh, why do you ignore me guys? i ask, give opinions and i suggest, and you still act like you dont see me post...

I dont know what is your guys deal, if theres a reason behind that, if i said something wrong, im sorry, i am, truly sorry, you know, Ethr got preety popular and its known for its thing i dont know how to describe it, but uhh, this is really hard, lets just say for being nice to people, hmm? you know what im saying?

And also, when someone from Ethr makes a Ethr lobby, and really, a sex load of people join, and a few of them are famous, last time the server was so full, it was like GMBets, and ive seen some people from urban i believe.

Also, be sure to war other clans often when they fix it in the new clan system.

Kershner, might want to change your signature, youre not a [-Ghoul] leader anymore, are you? yeah, thats just a little detail but people will find it wierd if you have "Proud leader of [-Ghoul]" in your signature when youre in another clan.

Just remember, im not forcing you to change it im just saying.

-{[(Pwease Read it :3)]}-

I'll Call bullshit, i responded to everything you posted except the last video, because Firefox was messing up with plugins.

And about Kershner's sig, that was something i was going bring up, like right after you posted it, Get out of my mind.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]