Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
You should also try to find a girl that you like...? :3

That shit is way to hard .-.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
There are no gods nor earthy powers exist, its all about humans and nature
And thats my opinion that wont change

Ok then let's stop talking religion . This will turn bad if we continue.
I agree with trocher and kratos, that would end in a ban...
By the way, i won the tn dual, 512x512 left knee joint c:
I suck.
I've noticed what happened, Bak. I'm so damn sorry for what happened... But she acted like a true bitch, haven't she? I guess you have more to offer and if you keep searching, you'll find a girl that like you, i mean, that really like you, no one was made to be alone.
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
I've noticed what happened, Bak. I'm so damn sorry for what happened... But she acted like a true bitch, haven't she? I guess you have more to offer and if you keep searching, you'll find a girl that like you, i mean, that really like you, no one was made to be alone.

I believe when you're born an accident then you weren't suppose to be here therefore you won't find love.

This is my punishment.
Lol, it hurts... Why are you punishing yourself, you did nothing... But what's going on? Why you cant find love...? =/