New topic: favourite book. How about that eh?


How many hindus does it take to change a lightbulb?

Noone knows, they just start praing to Tungsta, the god of the lightbulbs.
Lol those jokes should stop.
Well I havent read many books, maybe around 20-30 so yeah. I liked Julio Verne`s work and I havent finished reading Games of Thrones (idk if I will ever finish it lol). I have read David Copperfield from Charles dickens and it was quite good but my favourite so far is Eragon and its hole saga ofc. There is a movie about that book but damn it's bad, like really bad it would be better if it was dysney movie with ppl singing (okno I went too far). But yeah it's a worth reading book, just aroud 400 pages and the other three are the same length more or less
My favorite books are:

The Alchemist and The Fifth Mountain, both by Paolo Coelho

The Alchemist = Story of never giving up your dreams
The Fifth Mountain = Story of the biblical prophet elijah. A story in search for true faith
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Originally Posted by HamBlam View Post
Hi, me hamblam, Sc1iecne is me brother, thank you for joining me i wont be inactiv!

Hi and welcome. Though I normally wouldn't recommend an 8 year old in MAU.
Read this once you get invited to the social group, and improve your grammar and spelling.
Now the reason I wouldn't recommend Ham is becuase he is 8.
Eight! What the hell. On the forums we're pretty mature, having some serious discussions going. What would an 8 year old do? Oh and also, I can assure you he didn't read any of the stickies/FAQ/rules of the forum. When I was 8, I simply didn't care about rules until I was verbally told (the rules at school etc.) Oh and make better posts.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Hey Ham enjoy your stay here, and keep active. We might meet each other in game some day.

Yeah idk if there is a topic right now, someone should start one

lol he probably doesn't play tb


I'll respond to this a bit later, I'll edit it.
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Here's a new topic if i can start another one:

What do you think is more important in toribash:

Skill or Knowledge?

What kind of question is that? You cannot have skill without knowledge. Knowledge can be acquired, but it's up to you to put that knowledge into use to make it skill.
That is why knowledge is more important.

Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Ok so is there a new topic now or something or is it still mods?

Congratulations oxide you fkin talented piece of S..t

lol ty
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Lol those jokes should stop.
Well I havent read many books, maybe around 20-30 so yeah. I liked Julio Verne`s work and I havent finished reading Games of Thrones (idk if I will ever finish it lol). I have read David Copperfield from Charles dickens and it was quite good but my favourite so far is Eragon and its hole saga ofc. There is a movie about that book but damn it's bad, like really bad it would be better if it was dysney movie with ppl singing (okno I went too far). But yeah it's a worth reading book, just aroud 400 pages and the other three are the same length more or less

You mean Jules* Verne lol
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
My favorite books are:

The Alchemist and The Fifth Mountain, both by Paolo Coelho

The Alchemist = Story of never giving up your dreams
The Fifth Mountain = Story of the biblical prophet elijah. A story in search for true faith

Sounds pretty cliche to me. 'not giving up your dreams'.
looks like I've heard that before...
But seriously, pessimism has been proven to be more effective than optimism.
Oh and there is no true faith, God doesn't exist, or hasn't been proven yet to exist.

Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
New topic: favourite book. How about that eh?


How many hindus does it take to change a lightbulb?

Noone knows, they just start praing to Tungsta, the god of the lightbulbs.

fuckin hindus
I liked Jules Verne's work too. He's a great novelist. I got to reading The Fountainhead but never quite finished, I lost that book, but it seemed good till where I read it.
I've read all the Percy Jackson's in the past. Though I regret reading Young Adult genre now.
Elaborate. And please look up the definition of faith. It's a belief in something without the required evidence.
There's a flaming invisible monkey above your head. If you don't submit to him and have faith in him, you will eternally be tormented in fire after you die. Why take the risk?
yeah that's an example of faith. it's basically the same as christianity.
oh and how can you tell that god exists by faith? there's no evidence involved in faith.
but still, religions impact greatly in a human being's life

Most religions (like Christianity, Islam etc) = Morals and teaching of good ways

Also, lets go back to the book topic, i dont wanna talk about religion in the TB forums (feels so inappropriate)
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
hey guys im sorry but i think i may have to leave mau for a bit right now i just got my first car im looking for a job about to go to collage to get a degree and just.... its a bit to much to handle as well as having to get on here every week to play and post i will still be on and hanging with all of yall just regrettably not as a mau member im sorry and if i ever get back to where i can i will reapply to join thanks for the awesome experience guys its been fun
By leaving the discussion, you have forfeited and thus lost the debate.
It's your choice, you're scared of discussing seriously and openly without any insults flying around.
Oh and here, let me refute your 'morality' point.
Here are the wars caused by Islam:
Muslim conquest of Persia, Islamic conquest of Afghanistan, Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent, Muslim conquest of Egypt, Muslim conquest of the Maghreb, Umayyad conquest of Hispania, Islamic invasion of Gaul, Muslim conquest of Sudan, Byzantine–Ottoman Wars and Ottoman wars in Europe, and many terrorist states such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Here are the wars caused in the name of Christianity:
Crusades, European wars of religion and Thirty Years' War, French Wars of Religion, Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

Oh and let me add, I didn't mention other religions, only the ones you mentioned.
Oh and one more thing, humans are sympathetic. They don't need a moral compass like religion to understand the difference between right and wrong.
Oh and one last thing, the holy books of Islam and Christianity teach good people very bad things.
Here are some things about christianity.

Yeah those are some, some of those can be reworded to apply to Islam as well, although Islam teaches its believers to kill non believers.
I agree with you on this one, mat, i support freedom of religion, but also freedom of speach, so i can say this:

Fuck religions, they are based on ignorance.

oh and all that you said mat, that too.
But i don't really agree with you that because science doesn't want to talk about religion no more you have "won", or did you settle this as a debate before?
Last edited by uppkicker; Feb 22, 2016 at 03:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump