Screw it, i'm going to start posting here now.
So, rap how are you? I see you still have that same avatar
So im currently on vacation to florida m8 is pretty fun. Going home tomorrow tho. Haven't played cs go in like 3 days because my laptop cant run it for shit. Anyways I've never heard of that Russian thing 0-0
Originally Posted by JackoMacko View Post
So im currently on vacation to florida m8 is pretty fun. Going home tomorrow tho. Haven't played cs go in like 3 days because my laptop cant run it for shit. Anyways I've never heard of that Russian thing 0-0

What did you do there the land of the scary people with socks and sandals?
Also, if you haven't heard of the whole Russian thing, you haven't had the full CS:GO experience.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Screw it, i'm going to start posting here now.
So, rap how are you? I see you still have that same avatar

Hey there.
I'm doing alright. I'm just sorting out immigration stuff. It's a long process. xP

How've you been?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by TH3Three View Post
, study, study and more study

That's what I'm doing now
I really want to go to a top IT school here . !
Definitely not Josh Lintag
so if anyone reads this, from my experience cooking is a waste of time if you're living single

yeah, I'm pretty frustrated with cooking for myself :P