Na he wont ban you unless you do >5 words posts. Also those all count as one since they are all added in one single post.

Parkour does require a certain amount of skills no matter with who else you play. But yeah competitive mods also depend on agains who you are playing so the dificulty is not always the same, sometimes you play agains someone who is really good and other times you are just messsing around with a few noobs
agreed, parkour is an exception indeed. Oh also school starts on monday, so maybe that will impact my activeness, but i don't think so. I will most likely still be active every day. Maybe there will pass one day withought me posting, but it should be rare...
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
1st: the glitch happens in all mods including aikido
2nd: I believe there is equal skill in both wushu and mushu and aikido, and toriboxing, and judo. It might be easier to dm in mushu, but remember: it's also more likely that YOU will be dm'd. So you still need skill to avoid hits.

So you are saying that different games require different amounts of skill? Sure, the learning curve might change, but when you're talking about strict multiplayer matches in almost any mod the skill is equal in my mind.
bring forth your arguments victor! it's time for a debate!

So, longer posts eh? here, have some filler:

Wanna hear a joke?

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb in the middle east?

Noone knows, because feminists can't change anything in the middle east.

yes they do change the mode you must play,obviously you will need to avoid hits,however you dont really know WHEN you will get hited or where the hit will happen,wushu however need much more skill,isnt any hit that will make you win.

2 - joints dont change,but other configurations does,taekkyon and aikido for example,you will know when the kick comes and what to do,same in aikido but it will be completely different because of turnframes,and the force too.

i have been playing mushu for much time,and i must say that it is an extremely easy mod,and 75% of time you get luck on wins or dodges.

this is exality why i dont think mushu is a "pro mod":
-easy to get dms(touch for the win)
-if want to win just rush,or jump on opponent.
-you can skeet easy.
-head dont disqualify.
--silly stuff can happen and make as advantage for you.

mushu is just a fun-to-play mod,as well footmod or any instagib body parts mod
i preffer default and classic mods: tk,aikido,wushu,ninjutsu and erth tk
Last edited by victortb; Feb 21, 2016 at 12:59 AM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Ok, let me refute your points:

I've listed some of your points here and given them numbers, so as to make it easier for me to attack them .

#1: Easy to get dm's
#2: If you want to win, just rush or jump your opponent
#3: You can skeet easily
#4: Head don't dq
#5: 75% of the time you get lucky on dodges and wins

First i must mention that point 3 and 5 contradict eachother slightly. You may be able to skeet easily, but acording to your logic, there is only a 25% chance that you will hit., since the opponent can easily dodge the skeet.

Now let's get into the meat:

#1: Well, if it is easy for YOU to get dm's it must also be easy for your OPPONENT to get dm's, you might claim that this makes the mod less serious because matches edn sooner with a dq from a dm'd part. But this does not hold up, you see, if it is easier to be dm'd then you must adapt your ability to dodge hits, which brings us back to point 5.

which states that there is a 75% chance of dodging, well then it is pretty easy to dodge an incoming blow isn't it? and if you dodge it, it can't possibly dm you. Now ofcourse you still need to adapt in order to be more defensive, but so must your opponent.

#2: Ok, but, what if your opponent also rushes or jumps you? Then what? Who wins then?
If there truly is this huge advantege in rushing your opponent, then almost every experienced player would do it right? So if two players rush eachother, you're still back at square one, meaning noone has an advantage.

#3: But, your opponent can skeet easily too.
Now maybe you claim that because it's harder to skeet in wushu, wushu is harder, but remember; in wushu it's harder to skeet for BOTH players, so they naturally adapt to not skeeting.

#4: See point 3, same logic: If YOU can use your head to save, sure it makes it easier for you to defend, but because the very same applies to your opponent, it is suddenly harder for you to dq him.

#5: Ok, not much to say about the dodging thing, but the win thing:
Are YOU winning 75% of the time? If so, you have just been blessed with being good at mushu, now if EVERYONE is winning 75% of the time, well, then reality itself is broken.

Now for the arguments i found less convincing to your cause:

#1b: You do not know WHEN you will get hit.
#2b: Joints don't change but other factors does.

I'll attack #2b first:

The factors do change, yes, but that only means that you have to learn how to use them, like let's say in mod A gravity is 10 and in mod B gravity is 20.

If you start learning in mod A then you will be confused and say that mod B is harder, but if you start in mod B the roles would be reversed. It is a matter of getting used to the mod, it's not the mod "difficulty".

#1b: Well, firstly a good player would know when a hit is coming in most mods, but let's say the don't. your opponent won't know either, he is just as blind as you are, and with someexperience you should be able to predict when the hits will come.

There, i believe i refuted atleast some of your points, ofcourse if you think otherwise please tell me so, i am not perfect, and i might very well be wring in this debate, but i stand by my points, claims and stances, although my mind is open to change.
1-yes,we both can get dm'ed,this is what im saying:
being the fact we both will get dmed correct,the luckiest will win,no one knows what can happen after that,and hardly save,because the next turn as well you can get dmed(and relaxed).

2-read point 1

3-man,wushu dont even is possible to grab,how can skeet?

4-i didnt undestard

5-basically it was about me,so i dont really know.

2b - you're basically correct there

1b - the problem is before the hit,you dont know what comes,but have signs to know what can happen next,however isnt easy to know EXALITY where it goes.

next point is the defence and movement change:
lets suppose a punch is coming and you block with elbow:
-mushu: you blocked,however that hand moved to the side(without force),dismembering you,making you defence not so useful.(elbows arent like the other body parts in nushu)

-wushu: it can reduce alot of power,then making the punch weaker and dont dismembering you even if it touched a part of u.

(typing on phone is a hell)
Last edited by victortb; Feb 21, 2016 at 02:17 AM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well mushu is very easy. Its only for fun.

If you want to play mushu I suggest you try Boxshu_mushu v3

Boxshu is better than mushu cause it has a box for preventing players to run and it has a more ED than mushu. Also, tbh, i only play mushu for tc


Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Yes typing on phones i bet where stans invention XD.

aight, here we go again XD i'll start with your counterpoints:

#1: So you are saying that the luckiest will win, well that would be true for any mod then.
You are right in that because you can get dm'd easier it iseasier that you lose when you get hit, but remember that the same is true for your opponent, if you hit him first, he will be more likely to lose, and that narrows it down to who will hit first, and that is about technique, and psykology in order to know where he will strike.

#2: So, in the case where both players rush, the luckiest wins? not the one with superior technique?

#3: Yeah lol that's true, but i was just using it as an example, let's change it to something like ABD, does my point still stand then?

#4: Ok let me phrase it slightly differently then:
Because it is harder to be dq'd because you can use your head to save, it is easier for you to defend, but also harder for you to dq your opponent.

5#: Well, since you have a 75% win ration in mushu you have kind-of disproved your point about the luck thing, because if luck played such a big roll you would be expected to be somewhere in the 40% - 60% win ratio area. But because you have such a high win ratio, that shows that you likely have a very superior technique, and good mindset.

1b: Well, in almost no mod there is easy to predict exactly where a strike will come from, but with some experience you can get a rough idea. Also, if it is harder to predict the strike's direction in mushu, you should in theory use that to your advantage, and do more strikes, because they are unexpected. So that evens out the odds.

Now for your further points:
your point about the elbow block, let's discuss that one:

So, blocking with elbow is generally a bad idea in mushu, i got you. So then just avoid blocking with the elbow, dodge instead, and aim your strikes where your opponent would normally block with his elbow, you are basically trading defense for offense, in that you give up blocking with your elbow, but gain another spot where you can hit your opponent(near his elbow) where he cannot block.

I hope i made more sense in this post .
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Well mushu is very easy. Its only for fun.

If you want to play mushu I suggest you try Boxshu_mushu v3

Boxshu is better than mushu cause it has a box for preventing players to run and it has a more ED than mushu. Also, tbh, i only play mushu for tc


I think that mushu might be easier to LEARN, not to play.

If you are talking about singleplayer i might agree but in multiplayer, they are both equally challenging.
Last edited by uppkicker; Feb 21, 2016 at 03:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Damn the discussion tho.

In my opinion what allows you to either win or lose is a set of diferent matters such as your skills, experience, your mood, and your opponent's skills/experience and mood. Sometimes when I am raging I cant even move my tori properly.

An other thing that we should keep in mind when we talk about mushu is that most of it's regular players are low belts, why you may ask? well basically cause it has the same gravity with which u learn how to play (tutorials, jousting and stuff) (not for me tho I learnt how to play in lenshu, :P) and since its so easy to dm they find it fun so they keep playing.

A luck based mod would be jousting with its bigs tf and the fact that u start flying against your oponent (after a few matches u realize the best tecnic is to go as high as possible but then bout go as high as possible and crash in the middle).

Also I think that if something is easy to learn then it's easier to play, like toribash and a fps, the fps is easier to learn and easier to play. However this doesnt mean that its easier to master, and that is what makes the diference. I have seen some of the best mushu/wushu players and damn they are Godlike, one was so good that we couldnt beat him, I think it was noir he totally destroy us with his kicks and the other Damn he could block anything, but ANYTHING like rushes, skeets they were amazing at it.
I have never seen someone with a comparable lvl of skill in other mod (excluding spars and pk, most of us remember xioi and ofc swexx, etc)
1 - superior skilled will win if have chances,i have lost sometimes to white belts(no alts) in mushu due to luck,but i have tried the same with wushu,and results were different,they didnt won any matches.
you can dm you opponent's arm,however he can attack you with that arm,or it just fly on you if luck enought.

2 - yes,i still on my point,it wiĺl depends of the way you rushed and how you both got on the turn.
if both rush,but one gets with the leg close to opponent body(more skilled),he obviously will get decapited.
but it dont works two times if you know what to do.

3 - i said that skeet was easy because it is,look,anyone can do it,throw aiming and you opponent can dodge it,other mods dont have any way to do it.

4 - dont make sense to say that you can use the head to save yourself from Dq(however is possible if you grab exality in the neck),you basically can get off control,as well the opponent is an problem: he will still try to kill you or will run away.

5 - i can be with 75% of win ratio in mushu,but nearly 40% was basically luck,this is what im trying to say.

1b - opponent can trick you,remember that a slight error can make you move go wrong,and opponent aims different part that you expected.

point elbow; and if you cant dodge?,the only way will be a defence or "sacrifice",you will try to attack him,but his parts can touch you,making you get some dqs on yourself,then you must use the block,wich will need some luck to his arm dont touch other parts.

remember that i dont hate mushu,i just think its a mod made for fun,not to test skill or something.
Onsola,Odlov is godlike at wushu,basicaĺly unbeatable.
same when i found moop first time in taekkyon server,he just got over 15 streaks and left,he and imsku are my inspiration to play taekkyon,alot more when he done taekkyon tutorials.
well i know im bad as hell about discussing,this is what?,4th time i get on serious discussion i guess.
i preffer talking about more chill stuff,like about storys,creepypastas(just got posting over 9 pages of creepypasta chat),films or even casual chat.
but keep with mod discussion i guess
Last edited by victortb; Feb 21, 2016 at 04:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well, there is no fun in discussing if not both parts enjoy the discussion, so if you want us to quit, we can quit, otherwise i will go on and argue your arguments.