Well yes, i do shit post alot. Sorry.

But still, X>Y

Congratz oxide for that successful bet server

Topic: What is your favorite mod?

Mine is ABD, because it requires skill, its fkin famous and its just that good.
Also, i cant imagine a bet server in mushu or judo
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
my favorite is taekkyon,requieres skill as well and main attack is kicks.
wrists are weak,break aways,so must pay attention to them.
the boom kicks are my favorite part.
i was rank 4 in it.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well, i am going to be crucified for this but Aikido, just regular old aikido, people say it's mostly luck, but i doubt it, if it were luck then you would expect me to have about 50% w/l ratio, but no. I don't shovel, yet still i win alot more than i lose in aikido. Now, there are some different definitions of what a shovel actually is, so let me give you mine:

1: The move starts in the very first turn.

2: It starts with lowering your arms and contracting either one or both of your pecks, while simultaneously keeping your legs semi- or completely straight.

3: Both your feet must touch the ground throughout the second turn.

4: Either one or both of your arms must then be raised up as to lift the opponent while atleast one foot is touching the ground. The ground leg must be semi- or completely straight at the beginning of the lift.

5: The opponent must be lift up from the ground, so as none of his ground-control surfaces are in contact, or in minimal contact with the ground.

6: From the start of the match to the lift, a maximum of 4* turns can pass.

*Not sure if 4 is the right number, might change it to 3...

So there you have MY definition, maybe you have another definition, and if there is some sort of "dictionary definition" out there that is not the same as mine, i still refute it. Why? Look up the word "feminism" in almost any dictionary, you will find that the definition does not align with the actual movement.

Hope this was not a shitpost.
Yes we're back to quality posts. Thank god. Uppkicker is a keeper I like him.

My favorite mod are boxshu, and abd although I'm decent at boxshu but terrible at abd. That post you had wasn't quite relevant because shoveling isn't always lifting. Lifting can be a pro technique and is used quite often from the momentum they have ascending their opponent.

Boxshu is more of a skilled game mode. You may disagree with me because of the dismemberment threshold but look at it like this. Many Custom and Master belts have smooth techniques. Your opener and technique matter. That first frame you got to do your opener matters a lot. You can't move like 5 joints then hold all....

But that's' my opinion anyway. I don't want to rush or make people hate me again but I feel like we should gradually increase our forum activity like Onsola said and the effort in our posts. Uppkicker's post was a great example of how much effort you should put into a post. But I don't want to rush you guys so go at your pace and slowly increase your effort if I should say.
I agree with you catalyst, there is nothing wrong with lifting, it is a genuine technique, and acording to my definition of shoveling your opponent doesn't actually have to leave the ground, just not have sufficient contact with the ground to stop his momentum towards the outside.

Now as for Boxshu being a skill mod? Yes absolutely, ofcourse it's skill, very few mods have any sufficient luck involved. I believe tb to be one of the few games that is based on almost purely skill. Now, i hate to bring up definitions again (actually i don't) but i'm going to explain what my definition of luck is:

Something involved in the activity that none of the players can change, and is unknown to the players until it presents itself within the activity as an event, or event multiplier.

And there is really only one thing that i've discovered that meets this criteria in the standard mods of tb, and that is:

A glitch that happens very rarely where dq's an ringouts does not register, and in theese cases any honest player should admit his defeat if he is not dq'd or outringed because of this glitch.

If you find my definition hard to understand, i would gladly discuss it further.
regular aikido is good aswell,requieres more skill than aikido big dojo due to the small ring.
its better as well to practice saves,its important too.
old sambo is basically the mod-before-aikido,it was used around 2008-2009.
taekkyon still my favorite mod.
and i disagree about mushu being skill mod,look,its just "touch for the win",rarely you will really use skill,if want a similar to mushu but with skill requeriments try wushu,joints are hard to break,wrists and ankles do disqualification,but still engagedistance and turnframes.
in mushu the head does not disqualify,only the neck,it can explain the "glitch",as well maxcontacs or the joint is having friction on a wall of boxshu.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
1st: the glitch happens in all mods including aikido
2nd: I believe there is equal skill in both wushu and mushu and aikido, and toriboxing, and judo. It might be easier to dm in mushu, but remember: it's also more likely that YOU will be dm'd. So you still need skill to avoid hits.

So you are saying that different games require different amounts of skill? Sure, the learning curve might change, but when you're talking about strict multiplayer matches in almost any mod the skill is equal in my mind.
bring forth your arguments victor! it's time for a debate!

So, longer posts eh? here, have some filler:

Wanna hear a joke?

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb in the middle east?

Noone knows, because feminists can't change anything in the middle east.
Last edited by uppkicker; Feb 20, 2016 at 09:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hmm, my favorite mod, I guess, is classic. I mostly do replaymaking now, so I don't really
need special mods for it. (psst.. you can cnc) But if you mean multiplayer mod, it's ABD,
I think. I even won ABD GMTourney, so yea. I pretty improved in this mod recently, and I
hope I will improve even more. I used to be good at mushu, but apparently I became worse.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
I agree that all mp mods require a certain amount of skill. Yeah maybe winning in mushu is easier but this doesnt make it easier, I have played areound 1k games in wushu/mushu, quick aikido/abd, lenshu and taekyon so I guess I know what I am saying when I say that there isnt an easy mod. Each requires a diferent style and set of skills which usually doesnt work in other competitive mods. Diferent tf, dojo, parts that dq and gravity make each mod unique. I have meet some really good players in the time I have played this game, some were great at mushu, they could counter a skeet and everything, other good at lenshu and stuff.

The thing that this game has is that since you make your own moves everything depends on you, not the mod, gravity, dq whatsoever.

My current favourite mods are parkours and spars since in those I feel that I can take full advantage of being able to make my own moves and show my own style. About competitive mods; well I play mostly aikido and Tk, I used to play wushu a lot and its really good, the high frames and the fact that there is no dojo forces you to have a barely absolute control over your tori so you dont run or so as to come back at your oponent. The high dim also made it quite challenging.

ayy good posts hype
Now, ofcourse they require a certain amount of skill, but i am saying that in pretty much all games where you play solely against another player there is equal amounts of skill, although it might be a different kind of skill.

I do not like parkour so much, but sparring sure. I also like realtoriboxing, since i was in southpaw a while back, but i left when they split into orthodox. Why? Because fuck orthodox thats why! No but seriously it was pretty boring when we suddenly didn't have that bond of being in the same clan, matches turned more serious and skirmishes were had. So i left. Fun fact:
I actually joined southpaw, not only because i liked toriboxing but because irl i am a southpaw in boxing, not that it really matters in tb...
Actually no, screw that i said about "certain skill" the mod doesn't dictate how much skill is needed, yor opponent does.
Oh and since theese messages are continuations of that previous one, do i need filler on theese ones, or is mat going to go crazy on that ban-button?
Last edited by uppkicker; Feb 20, 2016 at 10:40 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump