Lucky fucker i just got back this year and it sucks....except for sluts and drugs that kinda fun but still not worth the stupid algebra and proper grammer that i will never get down.
Originally Posted by 3263441 View Post
Lucky fucker i just got back this year and it sucks....except for sluts and drugs that kinda fun but still not worth the stupid algebra and proper grammer that i will never get down.

If that's what you gain from school (Sluts & Drugs) you shouldn't be attending school.

Get a degree in something make something with your life, Unlike some people (Myself) Who didn't pass grade 11/12
Rythm smells like Cheese
#ENVYONTOP doing better than most of my peers infact most of my friends dont even read in their freetime ._. also how old are you?
I'm 14. Also, you didn't mention that you are doing better than most of your peers. And that
you read in your freetime in your previous post. So I'm sorry I underestimated you on that.
Hmm seems we may need a topic change...This topic is getting old >.>
So any of you guy's have ink or piercing's?
If so what do you have ?
Rythm smells like Cheese
Originally Posted by 3263441 View Post
....yes i have a college reading level

You do realize that's, like... comic books, right?

There is no "college reading level". Just sayin'...
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.