The router and modem I use to run on had like 13 kb/s internet. I changed to xplornet and apparently it's like 300kb/s.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Hey, at least show some pity on my connection. It took me 15 mins to load this page and the reply to thread screen..... >.>

My country sucks in all parts, economics, education, cleanliness, duty, etc. The only things the country did good was the revolution from under British rule and the 27th Asian SEA games....
Well, today me and my Parent's went shopping (Driving to another city) and I was yelled at for giving a kid 2 dollars because this kid couldn't buy what he wanted. Come on Mom, it's only 2 dollars and I was being generous. Plus the kid wanted this toy. Silly parents.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Yeah. Anyway's, I'm gonna ask my Mother to check if Dark soul's 2 is at the store. But I'm gonna ask her on facebook because she's scary as fuck. I only got 20$, so I'm wondering if she'll be able to spend 50$ and I give her my 20.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
My brother blew $200 on weed and I can't spend $10.

[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
My Mother spends over 10k on my little brother's room decoration's, instrument's and more for his room. But I can't get Battlefield 4? Parent's please.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
#Sadlife. My girlfriend's coming back in may, yay. Pro rhymes, can't even handle my crimes.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan