i think {(motto here) if you dare} is a great motto

wise man once said: Man with hole in pocket feel "cocky" all day
Hey, its me, PlasmaAxel
been fun joining the clan, love it!
Found my new, best, ABD opener =
beating people that are a higher belt =
Beating Oxide at sillt races is fun too =
So thats about all thats happened so far...
hey Axel nice to have you here ^^ Also remember u can add replays as attachtment if u go to advanced when posting.

Lol those sayings, more random than epic may I say
I'm trying to be serious...jesus xD well fine.

"Forged in fire born from water"
"Aces of Martial Arts"

Poem I made

Nice logos guys, I may enter, but I am not sure.

Also Cata, nice poem

Any new topics guys? Sorry for being inactive but got lots of exams, so I had to learn.
Second thing, I am still waiting wheter I will be GM trial or not so that's other thing.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Yeah nice poem cata.

Alrigh then I will wait till you make your logo to choose the winner. Lets hope you get through your trial

My holidays are ending soon ;-; I have like 3 weeks left more or less.

I really want to host a mau betting server but I am way too laggy :/ might need to wait a few days to do so, meanwhile you can host some betting servers.
Btw who of you joined the sparring event? Ik bumble did but how about the rest of you?
Last edited by Onsola; Feb 19, 2016 at 06:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I joined no sparring event, as for a new topic, i don't know; hobbies, music taste, favourite sextoy? It seems as if most of the normal topics are all dried out, how about an unusual topic.

Favourite actor? EH?
Ouh sure the favourite actor thing would work, about the toy I would say the coculus rift *insert lenny face here*

Johnny Deep? yeah he is quite good, have you seen him playing the role of Jack Sparrow? that was funny, even if you dont like the movie you cant say he had a great performance.

Idk Morgan Freeman is really good as well, emm Cristian Bale as Batman? Those were some of the Batman movies I have seen.

Which are your favourite actors guys? *mat - I dont watch films*
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Ouh sure the favourite actor thing would work, about the toy I would say the coculus rift *insert lenny face here*

Johnny Deep? yeah he is quite good, have you seen him playing the role of Jack Sparrow? that was funny, even if you dont like the movie you cant say he had a great performance.

Idk Morgan Freeman is really good as well, emm Cristian Bale as Batman? Those were some of the Batman movies I have seen.

Which are your favourite actors guys? *mat - I dont watch films*

I would like to point out that it's Depp and not Deep.....

bbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuut johnny deep is like the greatest porn name ever
unless you are talking about porn and not.... hmmm
Last edited by Dogzy; Feb 19, 2016 at 11:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Yeah, i actually like the first and second pirates movie, and depp made a pretty good performance i must say, best pirate in a movie perhaps?

Though i think i'm going with Daniel D Lewis, he made an excelent performance in both There Will Be Blood, and Gang Of New York, though not the best movie, he was pretty awesome in it. Playing a gang leader in what is now foyle park Lewis' acting was what made the movie worth seeing in my opinion.