Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Dang ya’ll active today, it’s exam week so I gotta cram these studies.
Living life, loving life.
Discord: Sunther#1111
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA take that i finished my exam huahauhauahuahau
Style ~ ToriAgent ~ Notorious

Originally Posted by jyhgtfreds View Post
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA take that i finished my exam huahauhauahuahau

Yo hope you pass your exam, i remember being quite stressed waiting for the results myself back in my day. Hope you do well!
what kid of subject did you do for the exam?edit-
also yo... A bit off topic right, but, is anyone in to any conspiracy theories?
or find anything they've heard particularly interesting? would be a cool thing to discuss.
i've heard many, mainly 'surface level' theories though, i tend to find it quite fascinating to listen to all of them and also see the evidence presented which is actually in some cases
undeniable, shining light on the very dark side of life... Like take this for example right,
it's not an example of a theory right, but basically i went to London not too long ago
to go on to the London eye with my Madre and sted dad + his step sis and her husband, i think,
anyway... had a grandios time, everything was dope, never have been to such a crowded city before
apart from when i was a kid, but yeah, we go to this open area, i forgot what it was called, but a lot of
people and crowded street performers everywhere and i see these people meditating, i think wow that's
nice, i wonder what they might be protesting, because i've seen similar type of activism via online platforms
so this guy walks up to me and hands me a leaflet which reads:
Independent tribunal chaired by the queens counsel sir geoffrey nice concludes in june 2019:
"forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout china on a significant scale and that falun gong practitioners have been one and probably the main source of organ supply and it continued today"
governments and any who interact in any substantial way with china should now recognise that they are interacting with a criminal state"

"Ren Pengwu's throat and lower abdomen were removed and his family were not allowed to take photos of his body at the hospital. in a common practice, to destroy evidence, police hastily cremated his body without his relative's consent."

Also i'd like to ask for you guys to go to https://stoporganharvesting.org.uk
and sign the petition. You can read up more about this yourselves.
i have to complete an asbestos awareness test for someone rn lol
it's gonna take like 4 hours... may the Lord give me patience so i won't go mad....
i've done this test for like 3 different people already i think...
Last edited by SaveTheRight; Oct 21, 2019 at 07:42 PM.