25k Hz is ridiculously high and most frequency generators wont generate that, 25 Hz sounds really cool though

20 herz would be a good name for a band
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
thanksgiving is the joke. Makes it look like americans were good to the natives
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Human hearing picks up freqs from 20Hz to 20kHz, but if it's real quiet you can go a lil lower/higher.

i can hear only up to 12k

rip ears
dreamy suicide act
I can't hear 20k, I can hear up to 17k, but not as much as younger people, seeing as they scream in pain from it.
(Sine wave)
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions