Don't even try to become a musician if you want to get famous. If the general population likes your music you're doing entertainment, not music.
Becoming an etude junkie helped me practice longer. Since i have so much to work on i feel like i need more time instead of feeling like i'm out of things to do. You should try that.
Being in a music environment helps too.

Also hi rawr :0
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
All hail chinchin /o/
Accused, julian pc back to life or still screwed?

No clue m8 btw hello rawr pls tell alderfox he is ze scrub kthx
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
I used to do karate for 5 years , and i quited just for having my time for guitar .

My brain tells me sometime to do a new fightsport again . But i can't do 2 things in 1 because i don't have the fysic for it .

My body is not fat or thin but i wanna create muscles on my arms , having big strong arms would be nice .

But i really need to train more on my guitar , and maybe i gonna train my streng by dragging stones , big stones . I have stones here that are around 20-30 kg . Maybe i can train my strengh by doing it , i wish that i had a character like bruce lee , he would never give up and he would train harder and harder . I am just a stupid guy who doesn't talk alot and i am weak in my arms , my friends who play LoL are also like me but than worse , they play all day long on that stupid game . when i played that game i also played a whole day , i quited , i have spend 30 euro on buying rp , idc . but my friends payed more than 100-200 euro on that game because they are addicted and pro on it . PLayers who play in tournaments have no life , i swear , on tv they made a documantaire about a player from my land , he practiced 10 hours a day , 10 FUCKING HOURS . How much must he spend if he don't train ? Anyway , gamers who play in tournaments will not be good in working , they make money by playing the game , but they will lose strengh and fysic . I am learning on school for woodworking , i have made a japanese bench and previeuw year a other awesome thing i forgot the name of . But i wanna be a good worker , i actualy wanna be a good musician but i have to care about my work now . I probaly can't be like a rockstar , being famous is also not fun , but it would be awesome for me for being in a band , i play since october 2012 and this years it's 2 fucking years , time is fast . A buddy or mate , idk if he is a real friend of me but i met him at the talentshow , he played in my schoolband . He play's metal , he also played 2 years and he plays nice riffs , he also has 4 or 5 guitars , idk why most people buy so much guitars , i only have 1 acoustic guitar from 75 euro and a electric guitar from 289 euro , bot of them are cheap . But anyway , i wanna be a great guitarist , but i don't know what kind of genre i am . I used to like r&b and urban etc before i played guitar , i started listing metal since 2012 , now i am getting a bit tired of the scream genre , i am listing to power and speed metal now , vocal doesn't scream but guitar riffs are same . As a guitarist like me i already know that rythm sounds same , i talk about the chords ( the rythmguitarist) . I wanna play awesome riffs , i wanna play fast songs but now i can't play fast . But uhm , i don't wanna give up but i am just not smart enought to quit laptopping , i like listing music and i play 4 games now : toribash , getamped2 , Dawn of the dragons( it's a game on facebook) and Osu . It sounds weird but i wish that i was addicted on my guitar , would be nice to play all day long . I also wanna meet a girl who has a nice character or who can play a instrument , would be nice to play together haha . But i am shy in real life , i don't talk a lot because i listen to what my friends are saying . But my friends are game freaks from LoL , it's not fun anymore , actualy 2 friends play LoL and talk a lot , But my other friends are not games but they are not in my group in school , they talk with other people , i just sit with my 2 friends who play LoL , i don't wanna be shy anymore . I wanna meet new friends and maybe a girl .

If you readed this all , please , i don't wanna take your time from your life but it would be nice to understand what i mean .

Eh I readed that enormous wall o' text
Suprisingly longer than your app :o
Nah joke.
Don't worry mate, I played with my laptop for like 13+ hours and I have decent both physical and social life.
How to make friend 101 (how I did that tho) :
I used to hate japanese culture, my class have these 3 lovely people, 1 female. I just act naturally and got them as a friend. And under their influence I somehow got interested with those jap cult and now here I am.
How to get gf?
Well I dated my bestfriend, both of us doesn't think it's good nor lovely. We ended breaking up and just be friend anyway
wow a goal completed in my life
Writing a wall 'o text

@Marrez : Piddlesticks
I feel real Shitty right now. My cat is dieing in a painful way and I don't want to watch it happen but I don't want him to die alone.
Well then... i guess i should give up on the pet idea. (ah, reminds me of neru and his pet)

Kaka, don't worry i am just like you, but i don't care if i want to be stronger or a musician, cuz there ain't any gurls i want to impress, so being a hikkamori is fine with me, for now /o/
I feel real Shitty right now. My cat is dieing in a painful way and I don't want to watch it happen but I don't want him to die alone.

I know the feels, my cat died and I felt guilty I couldn't do anything about it.
I had lots of pets that ran away and died ;c

Ah....the memories.

My cat survived a car accident because he was sleeping behind the tire of my dad's car when he was coming out of the garage. We manage to save him and build a cyborg cat with a bunch of cloth and metal parts and created a new specie of a mechanical cat that was half machine and organic. His face had an iron jaw with a red eye that could identify food across miles and track with it. He couldn't run, but he managed to walk with the hydraulic pistons he had around his back legs. He did pretty well for a few years with all his problems but one day he died and he was shut down for lack of movements because of the rust taking over his body.

Ha, he didn't have all that on, but he was more like a zombie cat with a bunch of modifications around his body.

and he didn't say meow
(More like mooooooooooo)
Last edited by Neru; Jul 28, 2014 at 05:40 AM.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME