Originally Posted by deprav View Post
You're welcome honey !

Btw ! If you wanna check some good films from the french "nouvelle vague" , forget Godard he shits bricks, try to check François Truffaut's movies ;p

hehe alrighto!Will do! nouvelle vague is the "french wave"?is it like when hipsters started doing movies or what?xD
Your messed up world enthrills me
"nouvelle vague" was more like the "new intellectual" french cinema ;p

And this song is particulary good, like their hit or something, but their whole album is pretty nice anyway
ahm, alright.

Really in love with music in this movie that i haven't watched yet but been wanting to!

also linked this on tb but why the hell not

and random movie talk #2(avoid avoid avoid!)

so was thinking the other day about silver lining and what made it a really good movie. I mainly found interesting in how someone can have a system of belief that you did things in the correct manner of followed a system the correct path then you WILL have a silver lining. Just to put it in the context of the movie, the main actor in the movie is a guy that was labeled as "crazy" because he beat up a guy(and almost killed him)who was cheating with his wife. He caught her cheating on him in her own house so you could imagine the fury. So, this guy goes through therapy and the main concept of this therapy is that if you behave in the proper manner, you WILL get your wife back. Or, that is at least what he thought. Now, the important question is. Is that true?Or is life a series of fucked up events that follow each other. The character that Jennifer Lawrence played dealed with her fucked up life in another way(her loving husband died because of something i can't recall ;o). She dealt with it by fucking everyone, and surely getting stuck in such a vicious cycle isn't any better. But, is believing in something so deeply as to holding it as cause and effect chain any healthier. For all we know, the main actor getting disappointed again might have meant suicide or what not. What is the correct thing to do in such situations or might that be the optimal solution anyway..idk
Your messed up world enthrills me
hahah that is a sexy music video and..a good song ;P

deprav have u heard of slowdive?if u haven't..i need to link u some shiz..i think u'd love them!;p
Your messed up world enthrills me