Here's how the shit rolls,fellow Sandwiches.

I have been extremely busy these past days and I would like to apologise for putting you all in a huge impatience.It's just that shit gets so complicated,you always try to solve it as fast as possible (like me) but fail and have to redo it again.I need atleast 2 days without major interruptions to make my videos coherent.I don't like rushing things as they always turn out weak.I even cancelled my video shop projects to have a little more time to finish the video.

I am sorry again.
Last edited by Humper; Nov 5, 2011 at 12:56 PM.
I play games and lift weights.
Starting on yours et as we speak gabe :|....

Sorry I didn't post for a while. I took a nap. I tried dueling and lost to everyone there horriby :/.

And you have gold and marine, not gold and red :B.
Last edited by Marrez; Nov 5, 2011 at 11:34 PM.
the goblin