Thanks but I dont know how happy it will be, in this month I have lost 4 close friends. Fought with another 2 people fucked up 6 tests. My life couldnt be happier
Possesed, man I'm so sorry about this, I know how you can feel now, few mothes ago one of my best friend died, I know how you feel, but just look ahead and keep going on, I know that is fucking hard, and it will hurt way much and many times, but you have to keep go.
Except good things, then good thigns will happen.
PM me if you need any help mate!
█▀ ▀█ | Hungarian Dj | too OLDA | [l],[M]
Wow, you must rlly feel broken.
Like jackal said, if I can help you can ask .
Btw, is it normal to start relationship with girl that I know since dumpers? We have been quite good friend.but everything changed when we were at my place watching film.
Things that may be idiot:her brother is my best friend.:|
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

Jackal is probally the right guy to help you, considering he understand that and he's the older member here.. Btw, we're all here, it's not a real friendship, but we'll do everything to try help you and will always be your friends. Gl bro.
Thanks guys you are really helpful and probably the friends I can count on. But its time I stopped being good to everybody and kind (have donated tc to clan to apply for official where I knew like 1 guy). Time to create some doom and destruction.
when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back into you.