Lol sorry, i have no idea how to play that, i mean, it's like suicide, i'll grab and get dm and then dq. -._.-
Fuck yes! Another friendship ruined, my life is getting better and better, this time a childhood friend............
Long story short, I had invited her to my 18th b-day party she had said yes and then changed to no for really fail reasons and when I asked for the reasons and told her why I wanted her to come she became mad and told me she didnt want to talk to me anymore, when you believe someone is a good friend, wait to be backstabbed fuck selfishness fuck life fuck friends that dont exist. we are really alone in this worlds and if we are good at this then people like us (fucked up belief right?). The whole world is fucked up, my life especially because I would do anything for my friends. In the end expect no gratitude neither someone to be kind to you nor being helped by others. Become a selfish bastard join the system and repeat after me I AM FREE, I AM DIFFERENT. then fuck it from inside thats my lifes plan now.