Originally Posted by Matias View Post
"Que tal chavales aqui Onsola777 con un nuevo gameplay de toribash" HUE

sick references bruh

hey Heck nice to have you here mate
eyy new members welcome heck
also theres another clan event going on hosted by concon but we need 10k. the events within it include, ehem,

- Head texture
- Full textures
- Tori Design
- Avatar
- Signature
- Clan banners


- Spar
- Parkour
- Tricking
- Skating
- Madman
- Manip
- Power


- Aikidobigdojo
- Taekkyon
- Judofrac
- Greykido
- Boxshu
- Sumore
- Rk_mma
- Ninjutsu
- Joustingfixed
- Aikido
lets do it!
Last edited by BquadZ7550; Feb 17, 2016 at 02:13 AM.
na, we do have 10k if now we couls use some of my tc, after all idk what to do with my 34k.

Whats the event about?
Hey, we are having quite a wave of new members here Also its might seem a bit hard but damn we should try, lets wait till tomorrow so I talk with gru about it
Ayy, events, haven't joined any of these in a while
I'm totally doing the replay part, cause I can't do art, at all

also welcome new members
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)