Feel free to add me on NA servers. Name is Nokturnall if I'm not mistaken.

Only a level 16, but I just bought 2 bundles as well as Gangster Twitch skin, sooo

I'm fucking set.

edit: What do you guys think of the new Champion Draven?
Last edited by Faint; Jun 4, 2012 at 03:24 PM.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
edit: What do you guys think of the new Champion Draven?

He's not out yet.

I predict nobody will bother catching his axes unless they land literally right next to him. And even then, that only makes him useful if the fight stays in one place. Time has shown that champions that rely on staying in one place to reach maximum efficiency tend to suck against any half-competent team. Then again, AD carries tend to get released overpowered, so who knows. I know I won't bother catching the axes unless it allows me to proc trinity force buff each time. Then it'll be golden.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
learning lee sin jungle:

had to go afk from 5 minute to 10 minute but Ali on top hold it bravely and we won after a long push-go back-push-go back route because their Malz was pretty much annoying fag.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
He's not out yet.

I predict nobody will bother catching his axes unless they land literally right next to him. And even then, that only makes him useful if the fight stays in one place. Time has shown that champions that rely on staying in one place to reach maximum efficiency tend to suck against any half-competent team. Then again, AD carries tend to get released overpowered, so who knows. I know I won't bother catching the axes unless it allows me to proc trinity force buff each time. Then it'll be golden.

Not at all dude. I tryied him in the Open Beta for LoL, and grabbing the axes is pretty much needed if you want to kill. They also go in the direction you were walking before you attacked, so that kinda helps. The axe goes to other location allowing him to keep it up with his W. So the thing about Draven is, do not stand still. So you are completelly wrong
Originally Posted by Gawblin View Post
Not at all dude. I tryied him in the Open Beta for LoL, and grabbing the axes is pretty much needed if you want to kill. They also go in the direction you were walking before you attacked, so that kinda helps. The axe goes to other location allowing him to keep it up with his W. So the thing about Draven is, do not stand still. So you are completelly wrong

I don't play the beta, so I wouldn't know. I was making guesses.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
All champs have a high skill cap. It's just each champion requires a different skill set.

Sure, some champs can be easier to function decently with, but there's always a higher level of play that's obtainable with them. As an example, champs like Blitz or Ali have low item requirements to maintain usefulness, so they have fairly low skill required for last hitting. However, they require good knowledge of how to initiate and require good timing and enough experience to predict enemy plays. In that regard, you can notice the difference between a good Blitz or Ali from an average Blitz or Ali.

It's the same thing with other champs; it's either high item dependency, which requires good farming skills, or high "game sense", which requires knowledge of the game and of your opponents, or even both item dependency and game sense combined. However, each champ requires about the same amount of effort to get good at, it's just in what way that effort has to be applied.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games