I have an aneurism every time a fly is within 10ft of me/I see one.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
I remeber we had nails problem few years ago.
They was everywhere and you cant even drive à bike without Killing 3 or 4 nails.
Kids were hunting them and doing races xD
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
also i just punched a dumbass today..
it was fun xD
he were so annoying in propouse so i make him stop being a dumbass with me..
im getting too lazy so i started doing some workouts
i do like 500 of this per day
fack still wondering why the fuck i cant upload youtube vids D:
I have a horrible phobia of spiders it can get so bad that I might have insomnia I am also terrified of going to the bath room and I am 15 so it's just .......pain and i don't know if I can get over it
ehhh wat?
once i got a spider as a pet...
the wierd thing was that the spider was dangerous as damn fuck and i still asking myself how the fuck i catch'd it