Greetings to The Last Legion,
I would like to propose our clan DarkFire to become allies with you all.
As I mentioned in the IRC ThePureOne has contributed alot to our clan and means alot to our clan, we would like to continue our growth with this in mind and build off this already strong bond.

Though our clan is in the process of becoming official, we have been an strong active community for over three months. If you would like to browse our thread

We look forward to hearing your response soon.
Regards Sup3ri0r, Darkest Member of DarkFire.
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Well you can see through our thread his comitment ask pure yourself if you like, there is no reward in being dishonest
Need a texture? Check out Head Shop of Chaos
Nope hes telling the truth. I am a very helpful person mac. And I am of course in-favor of this,
Originally Posted by thepureone View Post
=.= ok I am scared. Who ever this evil lock guy is, He is with out a doubt a younger clone of me. He uses d'aw. Facile expressions are on point. Pops in and out of convoys as he bobs and weaves.

I do d'aww. Only professionals do it.
Originally Posted by Orion View Post
yeah just fucker her good and kick to curb

...Really dood.
How about be more adult-ish and dump her or something.

oh mac, what you don't understand, is that I still have 2 years in that school. So I have to plan my kicks/brakes ups well. Because to harsh or to light of a brake up. Will and I mean WILL mess up my sex life for the remainder of the 2 years. Silly boy font you think that if the option was plausible to just brake with bitches with no strings attached was a option would all these scandals happen. NO.
ok and mac. Nice to know you share some of my qualities but how evil bobs and weaves in and out of convoy's that's pures mannerisms all the way. And its kind of funny.