Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Ok seriously,my belt is black,and I don't see it on the belt list.could wannin or KROOK please add it ?
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT
Hi i am WolverineWepX... I am a really good fighter. Is it ok if i join? You may know my friend, GambitX12. He hasn't been on lately because his account got frozen. Plus his internet is down. Consider me because i am a very good fighter. I can do a kick that, in the first turn, rips your hand off, then, splits you in half. My belt is Blue and my favorite mod is Taekkyon. And i am good enough to do some break dancing in judo. Please concider me to come into your clan. Contact me at zxorath@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time. Did i mention that I also will compete with any challenge and any impossibility? I WILL DECIMATE ANYONE I FACE!!!
Last edited by WolverineWepX; Aug 19, 2009 at 07:15 PM.
Member of the Hunters Clan
Join the Hunters, or be the Hunted
Originally Posted by WolverineWepX View Post
Hi i am WolverineWepX... I am a really good fighter. Is it ok if i join? You may know my friend, GambitX12. He hasn't been on lately because his account got frozen. Plus his internet is down. Consider me because i am a very good fighter. I can do a kick that, in the first turn, rips your hand off, then, splits you in half. My belt is Blue and my favorite mod is Taekkyon. And i am good enough to do some break dancing in judo. Please concider me to come into your clan. Contact me at zxorath@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time. Did i mention that I also will compete with any challenge and any impossibility? I WILL DECIMATE ANYONE I FACE!!!

Ok WolverineWepX ...
First,I don't believe your friend Gambitx12 has anything to do with you wanting to join this clan.
Second,bragging about a kick won't get you anywhere,since anyone can go on youtube,wiki or wherever else and find exact instructions on how to do powerful moves, plus gravity and dismemberment threshold in mods vary.
Third , our requirements for applying for new members are min brown belt,blue belt for skilled players.If you wish to properly apply to join [Hunters] , go to the link below and fill the form there,and you will need to provide some replays showing your skills . Good luck
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT