Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I want to be your guy's friend. So hi, hello

ofcourse we can be a friend
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
yeah i suppose so, scrub


Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I want to be your guy's friend. So hi, hello, and what not. I know trocher

Sup rawr
I hate myself , i had to pump my bike but i am so stupid , i am so weak ;_;

I am a boy and i cry :s , i am crying now atm . I wanna be strong . I also wanna be a musician , but i am just a stupid guy who only sits here on my laptop ;_; .
Lol, just take 1 hour away from your laptop time and work out for that hour. Do what I do. 30 Minutes with 10 seconds break between each 1 minute work out technique. Give yourself a 5 min rest then do another 30 minutes on another part of your body. I do abs for first 30. Biceps and Triceps for the remaining 30. Trust me, you know when it's working. If you are a slim guy like me, you're abs will be easier to work out and your triceps and biceps will improve dramatically.
I used to do karate for 5 years , and i quited just for having my time for guitar .

My brain tells me sometime to do a new fightsport again . But i can't do 2 things in 1 because i don't have the fysic for it .

My body is not fat or thin but i wanna create muscles on my arms , having big strong arms would be nice .

But i really need to train more on my guitar , and maybe i gonna train my streng by dragging stones , big stones . I have stones here that are around 20-30 kg . Maybe i can train my strengh by doing it , i wish that i had a character like bruce lee , he would never give up and he would train harder and harder . I am just a stupid guy who doesn't talk alot and i am weak in my arms , my friends who play LoL are also like me but than worse , they play all day long on that stupid game . when i played that game i also played a whole day , i quited , i have spend 30 euro on buying rp , idc . but my friends payed more than 100-200 euro on that game because they are addicted and pro on it . PLayers who play in tournaments have no life , i swear , on tv they made a documantaire about a player from my land , he practiced 10 hours a day , 10 FUCKING HOURS . How much must he spend if he don't train ? Anyway , gamers who play in tournaments will not be good in working , they make money by playing the game , but they will lose strengh and fysic . I am learning on school for woodworking , i have made a japanese bench and previeuw year a other awesome thing i forgot the name of . But i wanna be a good worker , i actualy wanna be a good musician but i have to care about my work now . I probaly can't be like a rockstar , being famous is also not fun , but it would be awesome for me for being in a band , i play since october 2012 and this years it's 2 fucking years , time is fast . A buddy or mate , idk if he is a real friend of me but i met him at the talentshow , he played in my schoolband . He play's metal , he also played 2 years and he plays nice riffs , he also has 4 or 5 guitars , idk why most people buy so much guitars , i only have 1 acoustic guitar from 75 euro and a electric guitar from 289 euro , bot of them are cheap . But anyway , i wanna be a great guitarist , but i don't know what kind of genre i am . I used to like r&b and urban etc before i played guitar , i started listing metal since 2012 , now i am getting a bit tired of the scream genre , i am listing to power and speed metal now , vocal doesn't scream but guitar riffs are same . As a guitarist like me i already know that rythm sounds same , i talk about the chords ( the rythmguitarist) . I wanna play awesome riffs , i wanna play fast songs but now i can't play fast . But uhm , i don't wanna give up but i am just not smart enought to quit laptopping , i like listing music and i play 4 games now : toribash , getamped2 , Dawn of the dragons( it's a game on facebook) and Osu . It sounds weird but i wish that i was addicted on my guitar , would be nice to play all day long . I also wanna meet a girl who has a nice character or who can play a instrument , would be nice to play together haha . But i am shy in real life , i don't talk a lot because i listen to what my friends are saying . But my friends are game freaks from LoL , it's not fun anymore , actualy 2 friends play LoL and talk a lot , But my other friends are not games but they are not in my group in school , they talk with other people , i just sit with my 2 friends who play LoL , i don't wanna be shy anymore . I wanna meet new friends and maybe a girl .

If you readed this all , please , i don't wanna take your time from your life but it would be nice to understand what i mean .