To resolve the aikido issue I stated in my app that I still love to play aikido which implies that I continue to play aikido. Also, with my application to haunted I regret that quite a bit due to seeing how inactive they are and how lack luster they are. However, like my mom always said, excuses are like assholes, everyone has one, so I thank you for taking your time to read and review my app and I hope to apply again shortly.
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
To resolve the aikido issue I stated in my app that I still love to play aikido which implies that I continue to play aikido. Also, with my application to haunted I regret that quite a bit due to seeing how inactive they are and how lack luster they are. However, like my mom always said, excuses are like assholes, everyone has one, so I thank you for taking your time to read and review my app and I hope to apply again shortly.

Get some forum activity first
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
To resolve the aikido issue I stated in my app that I still love to play aikido which implies that I continue to play aikido. Also, with my application to haunted I regret that quite a bit due to seeing how inactive they are and how lack luster they are. However, like my mom always said, excuses are like assholes, everyone has one, so I thank you for taking your time to read and review my app and I hope to apply again shortly.

tis' a no from me lad.

Get forum active and come back.
Toribash History

I started Toribash in early 2013 but my first mutliplayer game was in December 2014 i had a break while that time because i didnt understand the game then i watched some youtube videos and just remembered the game again so i started playaing it and really started enjoying it Then when i became Brown Belt i first joined The Clan Jackazz i left it after again because i was really inactive in toribash and had a 3 month break. My Second clan was a clan called Fishy it sadly died after 3 weeks. The 3rd clan i was in was Ascend it wasnt really long because the leader of jackazz asked me if i could help him with the clan. Then i Joined Jackazz again and was co-leader of it for about 2 weeks but i left because the clan went inactive again (sadly). After that i had a break from Clans but then i joined [e] i stayed in it for like 3 weeks but i left it because i mostly played tb with my alt accounts and not my main cuz i got bored of the belt and no i am here applying for Vibe. I got many alts and i am not going to list all now but i am going to tell you some of my most important alts which are : HolyFrog, NotSwosh and iWasSwosh i am not in a clan with any of them. My main competetiv mods are: Aikido, Aikidobigdojo, Greykido and Boxshu_mushu_v3 but i am still trying to get better at them because i am not really happy with my skill at this mods.
Last edited by Swosh; Aug 4, 2015 at 10:53 PM.
Originally Posted by Swosh View Post
Toribash History

I started Toribash in early 2013 but my first mutliplayer game was in December 2014 i had a break while that time because i didnt understand the game then i watched some youtube videos and just remembered the game again so i started playaing it and really started enjoying it Then when i became Brown Belt i first joined The Clan Jackazz i left it after again because i was really inactive in toribash and had a 3 month break. My Second clan was a clan called Fishy it sadly died after 3 weeks. The 3rd clan i was in was Ascend it wasnt really long because the leader of jackazz asked me if i could help him with the clan. Then i Joined Jackazz again and was co-leader of it for about 2 weeks but i left because the clan went inactive again (sadly). After that i had a break from Clans but then i joined [e] i stayed in it for like 3 weeks but i left it because i mostly played tb with my alt accounts and not my main cuz i got bored of the belt and no i am here applying for Vibe. I got many alts and i am not going to list all now but i am going to tell you some of my most important alts which are : HolyFrog, NotSwosh and iWasSwosh i am not in a clan with any of them. My main competetiv mods are: Aikido, Aikidobigdojo, Greykido ande ban Boxshu_mushu_v3 but i am still trying to get better at them because i am not really happy with my skill at this mods.

Personal History

I live in germany Gmt +1. I dont Have skype because my internet is bad and i cant download it because it is to slow to download stuff (but fast enough to play Toribash). I am 13 Years old (14 in 10 days) in Realife and i am always trying to act as nice as i can.I am in 7th grade in school now but the year is about to end in 3 or 4 weeks not really sure right now then i get a 6 weeks break of school where i can be really active on toribash . I would like to post Replays but i dont really have good ones because i cant parkour or spar and never really tried it.

So how long would you plan to stay in Vibe?
Originally Posted by Powelly View Post
So how long would you plan to stay in Vibe?

As long as I can (if nobody kicks me I won't leave)
Originally Posted by Swosh View Post
Toribash History

I started Toribash in early 2013 but my first mutliplayer game was in December 2014 i had a break while that time because i didnt understand the game then i watched some youtube videos and just remembered the game again so i started playaing it and really started enjoying it Then when i became Brown Belt i first joined The Clan Jackazz i left it after again because i was really inactive in toribash and had a 3 month break. My Second clan was a clan called Fishy it sadly died after 3 weeks. The 3rd clan i was in was Ascend it wasnt really long because the leader of jackazz asked me if i could help him with the clan. Then i Joined Jackazz again and was co-leader of it for about 2 weeks but i left because the clan went inactive again (sadly). After that i had a break from Clans but then i joined [e] i stayed in it for like 3 weeks but i left it because i mostly played tb with my alt accounts and not my main cuz i got bored of the belt and no i am here applying for Vibe. I got many alts and i am not going to list all now but i am going to tell you some of my most important alts which are : HolyFrog, NotSwosh and iWasSwosh i am not in a clan with any of them. My main competetiv mods are: Aikido, Aikidobigdojo, Greykido ande ban Boxshu_mushu_v3 but i am still trying to get better at them because i am not really happy with my skill at this mods.

Personal History

I live in germany Gmt +1. I dont Have skype because my internet is bad and i cant download it because it is to slow to download stuff (but fast enough to play Toribash). I am 13 Years old (14 in 10 days) in Realife and i am always trying to act as nice as i can.I am in 7th grade in school now but the year is about to end in 3 or 4 weeks not really sure right now then i get a 6 weeks break of school where i can be really active on toribash . I would like to post Replays but i dont really have good ones because i cant parkour or spar and never really tried it.

Sorry, but your clan history sounds kind of bad (you left ascend for a mate's clan ??) So you're rejected
Hello (Vibe), I am Bayless.

So as you may notice, I am looking to join this clan. I want to join this clan because the members here are loyal through thick and thin. I have seen most of the members on quite often and this clan is really on the road to be official any time now. Now, about me...

I am 20 years old and I live in the U.S. I started playing Toribash back in 2009 with my first account Havock007. Sense then, I have been on and off do to me getting into trouble. Now, that I have calmed down with the getting into trouble I want to stick with one clan and build

a good friendship with a few people. My GMT is -7, making it about 4:21 where I am at the moment. I am usually on all day if I am not doing anything else with my friends. Right now, I am working on earning my own tc and earning a good rank for my self. My Main account is

Avatar, and most of his qi is bought. I bought qi to use pure items and what not. If you guys ever see me with Avatar I will most likely be doing the high belt tournaments trying to make tc so I can come up with a certain look I want for my self. Now my history is really bad, I

was a really big trouble maker. I wish you guys can look past the history and give me a chance to prove that I have become a much better user. I feel I can benefit this clan with my activity and skill at the game. Granted I am not the best but my skill can surely help out in

clan wars and future clan events such as Clan League. If there is any other information you wish to know feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Originally Posted by Bayless View Post
Hello (Vibe), I am Bayless.

So as you may notice, I am looking to join this clan. I want to join this clan because the members here are loyal through thick and thin. I have seen most of the members on quite often and this clan is really on the road to be official any time now. Now, about me...

I am 20 years old and I live in the U.S. I started playing Toribash back in 2009 with my first account Havock007. Sense then, I have been on and off do to me getting into trouble. Now, that I have calmed down with the getting into trouble I want to stick with one clan and build

a good friendship with a few people. My GMT is -7, making it about 4:21 where I am at the moment. I am usually on all day if I am not doing anything else with my friends. Right now, I am working on earning my own tc and earning a good rank for my self. My Main account is

Avatar, and most of his qi is bought. I bought qi to use pure items and what not. If you guys ever see me with Avatar I will most likely be doing the high belt tournaments trying to make tc so I can come up with a certain look I want for my self. Now my history is really bad, I

was a really big trouble maker. I wish you guys can look past the history and give me a chance to prove that I have become a much better user. I feel I can benefit this clan with my activity and skill at the game. Granted I am not the best but my skill can surely help out in

clan wars and future clan events such as Clan League. If there is any other information you wish to know feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.


LMAO, no way, go away. Sparky, if you need to know why, pm me.