Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
How about you guys disband meta? Honestly, no chat ever goes on in here, all of it happens in the skype chat. Clan or no clan, we will all still participate in the skype groups. I joined Inq because they have a whole heap of active members, in-game and on the forum. The only person in this whole clan that goes in-game is Templar. And about 3 people use the forums. Would be a good idea to merge with someone, disband, or revive the clan.

There is no real reason to "disband" Meta. Yeah, we can let is die, which is what is already happening, but it should still exist so that if one of the Leaders/Co-Leaders ever wants to revive it, it's possible. Of course this all depends on your definition of "disbanding".

I still go in-game occasionally, I will probably get back into Toribash in the next few months (hopefully). We will see.
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
How about you guys disband meta? Honestly, no chat ever goes on in here, all of it happens in the skype chat. Clan or no clan, we will all still participate in the skype groups. I joined Inq because they have a whole heap of active members, in-game and on the forum. The only person in this whole clan that goes in-game is Templar. And about 3 people use the forums. Would be a good idea to merge with someone, disband, or revive the clan.

Yea how bout no? Just because a clan is more socially focused, doesn't mean we are any less important than clans that are more in game focused. We are a group of people that get together because in the long run, we share similar interests, not because we all play Toribash. Granted we all have at one point played Toribash, but disbanding the clan because we no longer do is Boderline stupidity. Look at RAWR. Look at Urban. Look at any goddamn clan that was popular 3-5 years ago. A majority of them still exist, even though few to none of their members still play Toribash. This is mostly because they are groups of like minded people, and in some cases, the entire clan has grown to become good friends.

Rant over.
Nobody here plays Toribash regularly anyways, so why would we go to the extra effort of disbanding the clan instead of just letting it die out?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Anyone here know if xJuicy's computer is fixed? He said he would have my head done by today and Idk if he can or not.
Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Rookie View Post
Anyone here know if xJuicy's computer is fixed? He said he would have my head done by today and Idk if he can or not.

I have no idea If his computer is fixed. He hasn't been around for the last few days, so I'm going with it's still broken on that one.
Originally Posted by Templar View Post
Yea how bout no? Just because a clan is more socially focused, doesn't mean we are any less important than clans that are more in game focused. We are a group of people that get together because in the long run, we share similar interests, not because we all play Toribash. Granted we all have at one point played Toribash, but disbanding the clan because we no longer do is Boderline stupidity. Look at RAWR. Look at Urban. Look at any goddamn clan that was popular 3-5 years ago. A majority of them still exist, even though few to none of their members still play Toribash. This is mostly because they are groups of like minded people, and in some cases, the entire clan has grown to become good friends.

Rant over.

Don't pick apart my statement. That was only a suggestion. The clans you mentioned are no longer even looked at. RAWR is gone, and is never coming back. Who knows if the players became friends. Another suggestion I had was reviving the clan. This might be a good idea. What is the point in being a clan if people are inactive. I do agree that the skype chat is easier, more convenient, and overall it is better, but that does not mean we have to neglect the forum. This was only a suggestion. No need to rant.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
Don't pick apart my statement. That was only a suggestion. The clans you mentioned are no longer even looked at. RAWR is gone, and is never coming back. Who knows if the players became friends. Another suggestion I had was reviving the clan. This might be a good idea. What is the point in being a clan if people are inactive. I do agree that the skype chat is easier, more convenient, and overall it is better, but that does not mean we have to neglect the forum. This was only a suggestion. No need to rant.

1.Don't pick apart my statement.

I didn't. Now I am though.

2.The clans you mentioned are no longer even looked at.

Right. That's why they clearly are, mainly because Nuthug and Samopal still play. They're still legends in their own right, and they're still around. Both the clans and the players, btw.

3.Who knows if the players became friends.

If I remember correctly, I recall something that nuthug said about RAWR being more like a family, which is what I based my original statement on. I believe it may have been from one of Hax's interviews, but don't quote me on that. also, I'd say that's exactly what happened in our small group here.

4.I do agree that the skype chat is easier, more convenient, and overall it is better, but that does not mean we have to neglect the forum.

I quote myself from 3 days ago, right before you posted:
"I think the problem, if it can be called a problem, is that we neglect the forums in favor of our Skype chats, as communication is rendered easier by near-instantaneous response times. That being said, we do have members who are not present in our Skype chats, so keeping at least a small presence here should be a priority from henceforth." Now this allows me to tackle the last part.

5.Another suggestion I had was reviving the clan. This might be a good idea. What is the point in being a clan if people are inactive.

We are all mostly still here. What's there to revive? We have members, most of us are quite active on skype. Several of us (xjuicy, myself, Cheese, and hepimen once he fixes his whatever happened) are quite active ingame, and several other members have expressed wishes to become active again ingame. There is nothing to be revived, as we have not died yet. Also, the point of a clan is to belong to a group of people. Inactive or not, which I'd hardly think describes our constant use of skype, we are still a group of people, and in there lies the point of a clan.

Second rant, over.
Last edited by Templar; Oct 18, 2014 at 09:10 AM.
I just hopped in here to hope to find Risk having a mental breakdown (which does actually happen more often than I would think), and instead am greeted by a bunch of ignorami complaining about how a clan functions as what it's supposed to. This being compared to the all too common "omg clans are all about wars and activity and if you're bad then you should go somewhere else". I would be so utterly disappointed to see this clan drop off the map. Risk, Templar and the rest of your crew have all been so outstanding in every right that I have considered many a time to drop everything and see what you're all about.
So please, quit complaining about how you can't handle that your opinion of a clan isn't widely accepted here and start listening to Templar. Kthxbai, love you all.
I think I might be retired.
Nah, man. We ain't going nowhere. Danny just doesn't know shit about having fun. Or not being a little bitch.
Who the hell was that guy?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.