Name : Robert mosley (Rob9722)

Country(we are a multicultural clan, we accept any one no matter what race you are or country you're from) : USA

Belt : Black

Clans you've been before and the reason you've left those clans :Pure, Zero, i left them because pure was to inactive and zero, i just felt like i didnt fit in there.

Your skills (texturing, movie making, ingame activities) : I enjoy replay making and doing Taekyonn

GMT : (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Why do you want to join us?(We don't accept the things like "This is an awesome clan!" and bla-bla-bla) : I'd like to join this clan because i love to make replays, and i need to get better. Plus i've been posting here lately so i thought i should join.

Infractions/bans : 1 for a useless comment.

Ingame activity : i play as much ingame as i could but ive been burried in homework ever since school started.

Some stuff you can say about yourself (about 2-3 sentences) : I'm a cool relaxed guy, usually quiet. I do Taekwondo in real life, i tested for my 2nd Dan Black Belt but i failed the testing.

Some replays(This is mandatory) :

Rob- iNsAnItY.rpl

Rob- Misery .rpl

Rob- Legacy (edit).rpl

I was told to include that had known Orko since `08
Last edited by Dobby; Nov 20, 2011 at 08:52 PM.
Name : Vog

Country(we are a multicultural clan, we accept any one no matter what race you are or country you're from) : Indonesia

Belt : 6th dan Black belt

Clans you've been before and the reason you've left those clans : Buzz is Died, RAM, Element, and Coffee (Inactive) and Parrot for some personal reason

Your skills (texturing, movie making, ingame activities) : Texture Making

GMT : +7

Why do you want to join us?(We don't accept the things like "This is an awesome clan!" and bla-bla-bla) : Looks Pretty interesting Clan with new Active and Talented Members on it, Good Stuff and this clan get revived greatly (Except the name on the Boards), and looks like many of Members in this Clan are good at Replay maker, i need to learn more about that thing so i came to join

Infractions/bans : Expired

Ingame activity : 7/10

Some stuff you can say about yourself (about 2-3 sentences) :
I'm 14 Years old, Live in Indonesia, I'm a Texture Maker
I love to playing Basketball, i love Drawing cause i get real life talent on it

Some replays(This is mandatory) : i only have this both cause my PC get re-installed, i'm not very good ingame tho
Attached Files
#Vog-1 ed.rpl (225.4 KB, 8 views)
Vongola Policy Spin.rpl (85.5 KB, 10 views)
sup guys
Name : Abizard
Country(we are a multicultural clan, we accept any one no matter what race you are or country you're from) : Indonesia
Belt : Black belt
Clans you've been before and the reason you've left those clans : Parrot i left 'cause of inactivitiness, buzz is dead, card (got merged with parrot) and bleu (this is my first clan)
Your skills (texturing, movie making, ingame activities) : Some Texturing, and a bit SP replay
GMT : +7
Why do you want to join us?(We don't accept the things like "This is an awesome clan!" and bla-bla-bla) : So MM got revived and i see there's daffa and vog already, those are my friends, and i think some People here can teach me / help me to improve Replay making, or i can share some texturing skills.
Infractions/bans : expired
Ingame activity : 7.5/10 (i only can play on sat/sun)
Some stuff you can say about yourself (about 2-3 sentences) : I'm Abizard, 12 years old, i'm from Jakarta, Indonesia, i often play tourney, or just play with friends, when i got bored i go make some head texture.
Some replays(This is mandatory) : well...
Attached Files
brutal.rpl (71.2 KB, 9 views)
fsavefspin.rpl (46.7 KB, 5 views)
toriabiz`1.rpl (65.9 KB, 4 views)
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
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