Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
Hey guys, my names Dan, im 15 and looking for a nice clan to call home.
I stumbled across this clan when a few friends joined. Shigechio told me to apply, so I decided to check it out. After about 5 minutes I realised this clan might be a good place to call home and meet new friends.

Ingame I am currently black belt, but I dont play very often, so it may take time for 2nd dan. Even though my belt isnt high, I think I would be a great addition, I can bring a new friendship and someone for support when im need.
Some of my previous clans include: Concept, Extreme, Mr., Fish and Fake.

Now a little about my life and where I live; I live in Australia in a small town where very few play toribash. One of my friends directed me to the game, and I decided to give it a try, and I didnt give up. My GMT is +10 and im on IRC 90% of my days.

To be finished.

Finish your app and i'll see.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
Hey guys, my names Dan, im 15 and looking for a nice clan to call home.
I stumbled across this clan when a few friends joined. Shigechio told me to apply, so I decided to check it out. After about 5 minutes I realised this clan might be a good place to call home and meet new friends.

Ingame I am currently black belt, but I dont play very often, so it may take time for 2nd dan. Even though my belt isnt high, I think I would be a great addition, I can bring a new friendship and someone for support when im need.
Some of my previous clans include: Concept, Extreme, Mr., Fish and Fake.

Now a little about my life and where I live; I live in Australia in a small town where very few play toribash. One of my friends directed me to the game, and I decided to give it a try, and I didnt give up. My GMT is +10 and im on IRC 90% of my days.

To be finished.

Neutral. I like your application. Standart but nice.
The thing is I have seen you join many clans and quit like after a week.
I myself did it as well but I have seen you do it many times.
If you can convince me that you want to call [raku] home then you have my yes.
Not that you are a bad person I just don't want to say yes if you will hop...
If you can't convince me then I won't give a nice vote.
Hi Natejas :>
He fucking deleted his post and made me look like a madman.

free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Decided to say no, sorry.
Everything I see about you is average.

Though, I can see that you put effort in making that app.
I respect that, but it won't do. Sorry.
Last edited by Kamura; Aug 19, 2012 at 09:42 PM.
Frost is pretty cool
So nobody except Holk voted on my qualities? Is an app all you judge on?
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