Oh wow we got a new member witha completely new face. Never seen him before

Looking forward to working with him big time
Stay humbility and you will shake it til you make it ;)
Mmm I'm likely just bored
Update for my vacation:
It's officially over, I'm finally back on land and not on some fucking island or on a boat
Or in a fucking large ass lake with over a million jellyfish (that are harmless whole story is available in discord but only for members) we went in the middle of the ocean where there the water was only up to my stomach
Now here's a story of the time I was in there
So we went to catch some living sea creatures and shit to cook
We mostly got shells not hermit crabs, those things that flick those lil nail like shit to move,
I caught 3 fish by baiting them to get trapped on the holes of the rock and later on capture them afterwards they were edible and the person who was driving the boat said that they tasted good when grilled (they tasted like regular fish but a lil bit different)
We caught a small lobster that was colored black and white (uncle caught it) we caught a fucking large ass eel, which was like more than half the size of my leg, and then finally the best thing that happened. We were about to leave but then the person driving the boat caught a sea cucumber, when he put it on the boat it spurted out white shit that looked like jizz and sea water, then afterwards my father accidentally stepped on it which later on made it spurt out more water and the jizz looking stuff, afterwards when me and my cousins parents left to buy some food for like 10-25 minutes we gave the sea cucumber water
Then I squeezed it back out, then suddenly this grey thing with a red line came out of its mouth wiggling and shit and then me and my cousins freaked out cuz I thought it was its tongue, when I squeezed it further it was a fucking fish that looked like sardines. After that I kept poking it until it fucking vomited out its intestines and red shit, we left it alone after that and then this fucking head of a fish came out of its mouth, the same fish that came out the first time. AND THEY WERE BOTH FUCKING ALIVE, afterwards the host driver came and took it and took off its scales with a sea shell we got, THEN HE FUCKING BIT IT WHILE IT WAS ALIVE AND ATE IT, I fucking tough he was gonna spit it out and he would gut out the insides, BUT HE ATE FUCKING WHOLE THING WHILE IT WAS FUCKING ALIVE FFS.

That was pretty much one of my favorite part of my trip
Hope you enjoyed that clusterfuck of a story
Last edited by Sunther; May 15, 2017 at 08:18 AM.


Welcome back. That's a very nice story from your trip. Makes me wanna do some fishing stuff. Been years since i din't go out fishing. Also hope to see you ingame.
I'll probably be Ingame for like 10 hours or something once I get to a computer
And I'll eat a lot of actual land food
The only thing we ate for fucking 5 days was seafood
The only good things were the seafood rolls and everything else was shit
The fish I caught tasted ok but that's probs cuz I caught it lmao