So Darius is such a load of bullshit that it's not even funny :/

Passive magic damage bleed that scales off AD, Q scales off AD (a better Q similar to hecarims), W scales of AD and resets auto attack, E scales off AD, R true damage that scales off AD and resets.

He's 100% going to get some sort of scaling nerf next patch. There's no way they're leaving him the way he is.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Hecarim + Garen + Talon = Darius, that fucking scum ksing with ult my every frag coming in the middle of spinning and throwing knives at Katarina.
Never really put much thought into it but now I truely see why he's been banned from every draft pick I've played since the patch came out.
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Never really put much thought into it but now I truely see why he's been banned from every draft pick I've played since the patch came out.

Banned in ranked ?
He's quite vulnerable to counter picks, it's just that people don't really know which counter picks works against him yet. Probably the ones with good harass.

As far as I can tell shyvana works quite well against him too. More burst, more sustained damage if you have W and E up (which should always be the case in the laning phase), more mobility, more tankiness.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
So Darius is such a load of bullshit that it's not even funny :/

Passive magic damage bleed that scales off AD, Q scales off AD (a better Q similar to hecarims), W scales of AD and resets auto attack, E scales off AD, R true damage that scales off AD and resets.

He's 100% going to get some sort of scaling nerf next patch. There's no way they're leaving him the way he is.

And the Q isn't even working properly.

Also, god damn supports escaping from my ulti combo. :<

Who'd even want pentas anyways? Q_Q

That bleed damage.. Real.

Heh, custom games are fun. :P

Last edited by Dargon; May 25, 2012 at 09:38 AM.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
So Darius is such a load of bullshit that it's not even funny :/

Passive magic damage bleed that scales off AD, Q scales off AD (a better Q similar to hecarims), W scales of AD and resets auto attack, E scales off AD, R true damage that scales off AD and resets.

He's 100% going to get some sort of scaling nerf next patch. There's no way they're leaving him the way he is.

IMO his ult needs to do physical damage. And his movespeed needs to be nerfed.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
IMO his ult needs to do physical damage. And his movespeed needs to be nerfed.

If it did physical damage, it would be pointless to use it almost. It just needs less bullshit scaling with hemmorage stacks. Seriously, 20% bonus true damage per stack is pretty bullshit. That move can do like 700 damage easy by late game, and that's with a very defensive build too. I bet if I build glass cannon I can make it deal upwards of a 1000 easy.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Its funny how Darius' joke is ''NOXUUUUUU.... hugh, how does he do it''
and you should all know with garen's W he screams ''DEMCIAAAAA!!!''
They have numerous similarities too XD
Am I the only who noticed?
Last edited by Tyzo; May 25, 2012 at 02:05 PM.